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Neobank Next reaches 8.3 million customers and launches marketplace in Brazil

November 8, 2021
Editora en Finsiders
Next's strategy of uniting banking and e-commerce took its name today.
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The bank, which has Bradesco as its main shareholder, launched its own marketplace, the nextShop. And already with a big challenge, in addition to the obvious competition: engaging the 8.3 million customers reached in October.

In banking, for this number – which corresponds to a growth of 149% in one year – the next is already considered a complete and consolidated platform. In addition to the basics (cards, everyday transactions such as Pix, TED, DOC, and loans), the institution offers insurance and investments. Not to mention non-financial products (nextJoy, mobile top up, sale of streaming services and Mimos).

But among its peers, such as Inter, which already have their own marketplaces, the next had to chase, even more so with Black Friday approaching.

Next's CEO, Renato Ejnisman, makes it clear that the institution understands that a growing customer base has the burden of always looking to provide practicality and convenience to perform everyday tasks in a single application. And not only that, it has to come with even “aggressive” advantages.

In a press conference this Wednesday morning (3), Ricardo Urada, in the position of chief business development officer since April, explained that among the nextShop's great differentials are: easy usability, without many frictions in the purchase process (the cards , from next and from other banks, can be stored inside the app, for example) and the “aggressive” cashback in your evaluation.

Each partner has a fixed percentage of cashback ranging from 7.5% to 10%, valid and highly visible for all their advertised products. This return is immediate and deposited in the customer's account in the next and occurs in “seconds”, according to the executive.

In this launch, the customer will have access to more than 13 thousand offers in the telephony, electronics, home appliances, small appliances, accessories, IT and games categories.

The debut will feature retailers Casas Bahia, Ponto and Extra (Via), Samsung, Philips, Philco, Multilaser, Saraiva, Arno, Britânia and Webfones, but the idea is to expand the number of partners "in the coming weeks". Next year, nexShop should include other sectors: tourism, food delivery, media and logistics.

The nextShop operation will be headed by Leandro Zuntini (ex-Magalu), who has just arrived at the position of nextShop's head of marketplace – an area that makes up the new business vertical led by Urada.

In conversation with journalists, executives avoided detailing their expectations, but believe that, through the nextShop, the escalation of the customer base, at least, will continue to double every year – by the end of the year, the goal is to reach 10 million of clients, as Renato said in a recent conversation. Besides, it prepares the next one for a possible IPO.

According to Renato, today's launch marks the beginning of a new phase for the financial institution, which is going through a process of decoupling from Bradesco that began in September last year – when the digital bank ceased to be just a department in the traditional institution.

The marketplace, together with investments in analytics and big data, allows the bank to know the customer in greater depth, engaging and attracting new consumers.

busy year

The company started this year with 3.7 million customers and, since then, has been expanding its offer, bringing life insurance and new investment alternatives. In the last six months, the number of brands present in a fixed way on the Mimos platform went from 22 to 68, not counting those that carry out promotions on special dates.

Like other competitors, such as Nubank (which brought Anitta to the board) and Banco Pan (which hired Luciano Huck as an advisory member), the next also bet on figures known to the public to further promote the brand. In addition to ambassador Tatá Werneck, the digital bank counts on the participation of digital influencers in its campaigns, who talk to specific niches and successful gamers such as Nobru, FalleN and Cherrygumms.

For a new marketing positioning, it brought in Armando Areias (ex-PicPay), as announced in early October. In September, the digital bank hired Laura Chavez, ex-Itaú, as CPO (Chief Product Officer), the first woman to be part of the institution's c-level staff.

In addition to Ricardo Urada and Leandro Zuntini (ex-Magalu), Flavio Perete (ex-Rappi) joins the group of recent signings. He acts as head of partnerships.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The bank, which has Bradesco as its main shareholder, launched its own marketplace, the nextShop. And already with a big challenge, in addition to the obvious competition: engaging the 8.3 million customers reached in October.

In banking, for this number – which corresponds to a growth of 149% in one year – the next is already considered a complete and consolidated platform. In addition to the basics (cards, everyday transactions such as Pix, TED, DOC, and loans), the institution offers insurance and investments. Not to mention non-financial products (nextJoy, mobile top up, sale of streaming services and Mimos).

But among its peers, such as Inter, which already have their own marketplaces, the next had to chase, even more so with Black Friday approaching.

Next's CEO, Renato Ejnisman, makes it clear that the institution understands that a growing customer base has the burden of always looking to provide practicality and convenience to perform everyday tasks in a single application. And not only that, it has to come with even “aggressive” advantages.

In a press conference this Wednesday morning (3), Ricardo Urada, in the position of chief business development officer since April, explained that among the nextShop's great differentials are: easy usability, without many frictions in the purchase process (the cards , from next and from other banks, can be stored inside the app, for example) and the “aggressive” cashback in your evaluation.

Each partner has a fixed percentage of cashback ranging from 7.5% to 10%, valid and highly visible for all their advertised products. This return is immediate and deposited in the customer's account in the next and occurs in “seconds”, according to the executive.

In this launch, the customer will have access to more than 13 thousand offers in the telephony, electronics, home appliances, small appliances, accessories, IT and games categories.

The debut will feature retailers Casas Bahia, Ponto and Extra (Via), Samsung, Philips, Philco, Multilaser, Saraiva, Arno, Britânia and Webfones, but the idea is to expand the number of partners "in the coming weeks". Next year, nexShop should include other sectors: tourism, food delivery, media and logistics.

The nextShop operation will be headed by Leandro Zuntini (ex-Magalu), who has just arrived at the position of nextShop's head of marketplace – an area that makes up the new business vertical led by Urada.

In conversation with journalists, executives avoided detailing their expectations, but believe that, through the nextShop, the escalation of the customer base, at least, will continue to double every year – by the end of the year, the goal is to reach 10 million of clients, as Renato said in a recent conversation. Besides, it prepares the next one for a possible IPO.

According to Renato, today's launch marks the beginning of a new phase for the financial institution, which is going through a process of decoupling from Bradesco that began in September last year – when the digital bank ceased to be just a department in the traditional institution.

The marketplace, together with investments in analytics and big data, allows the bank to know the customer in greater depth, engaging and attracting new consumers.

busy year

The company started this year with 3.7 million customers and, since then, has been expanding its offer, bringing life insurance and new investment alternatives. In the last six months, the number of brands present in a fixed way on the Mimos platform went from 22 to 68, not counting those that carry out promotions on special dates.

Like other competitors, such as Nubank (which brought Anitta to the board) and Banco Pan (which hired Luciano Huck as an advisory member), the next also bet on figures known to the public to further promote the brand. In addition to ambassador Tatá Werneck, the digital bank counts on the participation of digital influencers in its campaigns, who talk to specific niches and successful gamers such as Nobru, FalleN and Cherrygumms.

For a new marketing positioning, it brought in Armando Areias (ex-PicPay), as announced in early October. In September, the digital bank hired Laura Chavez, ex-Itaú, as CPO (Chief Product Officer), the first woman to be part of the institution's c-level staff.

In addition to Ricardo Urada and Leandro Zuntini (ex-Magalu), Flavio Perete (ex-Rappi) joins the group of recent signings. He acts as head of partnerships.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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