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Nubank opens its new product account for teenagers under 18 in Brazil

November 9, 2022
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Nubank customers with children between the ages of 12 and 17 can apply for an account and debit card in their teen's name. See the step-by-step process to open them.
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Nubank was born to improve people's financial lives. And now we have gone further: we want to help young people to take their first steps in their financial life with us. That's why it is now possible to open an account for people under 18 years old at Nubank.

Thus, we want to help teenagers from all over Brazil to start their financial journey at home, with the help of their parents.

They will have access to all the functions of the Nubank account: from making Pix and using the Caixinhas to save money for goals, to having a debit card with their own name to use independently.

Who can have a digital account for people under 18?

To have a Nubank account as a minor, you just need to fit these criteria:

  • Be between 12 and 17 years old
  • The father or the mother are Nubank clients;
  • Have a smartphone compatible with the Nubank application.

Opening a Nubank account for minors: step by step

The process of opening a Nubank account for people under 18 is simple. It starts with the parents: that is, if you have a child between the ages of 12 and 17, you should make the request in your own Naked app and pass some information so that the process continues later on the youngster's cell phone.

To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log into the Nubank app and tap where it says "Now your underage children can have a Nubank account"; or search for the "Find out more" section
  2. Enter your child's data: full name, CPF number, e-mail and date of birth - he/she must have his/her own e-mail, OK?
  3. Finally, read and accept the account contract, and enter your 4-digit password.

After going through these steps, the teenager will receive an invitation by e-mail. You can also share the link directly.

With this invitation in hand, the minor should click on the link, download the Nubank application on their cell phone and follow the instructions to register their account.

The process is very easy: inside the Naked app, just follow the step-by-step instructions. Approval may take a few days, as we review all applications. As soon as everything is fine, your son or daughter will receive an e-mail letting you know.

How to apply for the Nubank debit card?

After creating their account, young people can also apply for the Nubank debit function card. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Nubank app on their own cell phone
  2. Click on the "Debit function" button;
  3. Select the option "Request debit function".

That's it! Then, just wait for the card to arrive. The deadline is informed in the app.

What is in the Nubank account for people under 18 years old?

The Nubank account is a complete digital account with several functions to make your daily financial life easier and your money go further. And the under-18 account carries all these features, from Pix and cell phone recharging to the Little Boxes, which allow you to organize and save your money by objectives.

What teens can do with their Nubank account:

   Make and receive transfers via Pix, free TED or between Nubank accounts;
   Recharge cell phones;
   Keep the money separated by objectives in the "Caixinhas" (Little Boxes) and see it yield with RDB, an investment that has FGC protection and grows at 100% of the CDI;
   Activate the Street Mode, which protects the application more in case of cell phone theft;
   Buy online with the virtual card in the debit function;
   Withdraw physical cash from ATMs;
   And all the other functions offered by the Nubank account.

Learn all about the Nubank account

Learn more about Nubank's Cashier in the video below:

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Nubank was born to improve people's financial lives. And now we have gone further: we want to help young people to take their first steps in their financial life with us. That's why it is now possible to open an account for people under 18 years old at Nubank.

Thus, we want to help teenagers from all over Brazil to start their financial journey at home, with the help of their parents.

They will have access to all the functions of the Nubank account: from making Pix and using the Caixinhas to save money for goals, to having a debit card with their own name to use independently.

Who can have a digital account for people under 18?

To have a Nubank account as a minor, you just need to fit these criteria:

  • Be between 12 and 17 years old
  • The father or the mother are Nubank clients;
  • Have a smartphone compatible with the Nubank application.

Opening a Nubank account for minors: step by step

The process of opening a Nubank account for people under 18 is simple. It starts with the parents: that is, if you have a child between the ages of 12 and 17, you should make the request in your own Naked app and pass some information so that the process continues later on the youngster's cell phone.

To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log into the Nubank app and tap where it says "Now your underage children can have a Nubank account"; or search for the "Find out more" section
  2. Enter your child's data: full name, CPF number, e-mail and date of birth - he/she must have his/her own e-mail, OK?
  3. Finally, read and accept the account contract, and enter your 4-digit password.

After going through these steps, the teenager will receive an invitation by e-mail. You can also share the link directly.

With this invitation in hand, the minor should click on the link, download the Nubank application on their cell phone and follow the instructions to register their account.

The process is very easy: inside the Naked app, just follow the step-by-step instructions. Approval may take a few days, as we review all applications. As soon as everything is fine, your son or daughter will receive an e-mail letting you know.

How to apply for the Nubank debit card?

After creating their account, young people can also apply for the Nubank debit function card. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Nubank app on their own cell phone
  2. Click on the "Debit function" button;
  3. Select the option "Request debit function".

That's it! Then, just wait for the card to arrive. The deadline is informed in the app.

What is in the Nubank account for people under 18 years old?

The Nubank account is a complete digital account with several functions to make your daily financial life easier and your money go further. And the under-18 account carries all these features, from Pix and cell phone recharging to the Little Boxes, which allow you to organize and save your money by objectives.

What teens can do with their Nubank account:

   Make and receive transfers via Pix, free TED or between Nubank accounts;
   Recharge cell phones;
   Keep the money separated by objectives in the "Caixinhas" (Little Boxes) and see it yield with RDB, an investment that has FGC protection and grows at 100% of the CDI;
   Activate the Street Mode, which protects the application more in case of cell phone theft;
   Buy online with the virtual card in the debit function;
   Withdraw physical cash from ATMs;
   And all the other functions offered by the Nubank account.

Learn all about the Nubank account

Learn more about Nubank's Cashier in the video below:

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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