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Nubank in Brasil changes name of brokerage Easynvest, bought almost a year ago, to Nu invest.

August 18, 2021
Reporter in Sao Paulo
Forbes Colombia
Nubank announced this Tuesday (17) that it will change the name of Easynvest. The brokerage, which is now called Nu invest, continues with a separate digital bank account and continues to offer the same features, products and services.
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According to Fernando Miranda, then president of Easynvest and now leader of the investment area at Nubank, the intention of keeping the accounts separate is to be able to serve the different profiles and customer needs on each of the platforms. The acquisition of the brokerage by the digital bank was announced in September last year and concluded just over two months. At the time, the broker had already had its logo changed and was renamed Easyinvest by Nubank.

In a statement, Nubank stated that the name change is another advance of the digital bank in integration with the broker and in its strategy to consolidate in the investment market and expand the offer of solutions.

At the end of April, Nubank had launched its first investment experience in the app digital bank, with three investment funds, which are still in the testing phase. The proposal, according to the bank, it is different from that fair by the brokerage.

“With Nu invest, investors have a platform with more than a thousand product options for profiles of clients seeking greater diversification and autonomy in the composition of the portfolio”, said the bank.

The bank also recently announced the launch of Nu Ultravioleta funds, in the segments of stocks and multimarkets. Funds are available on the broker's application, have investment minimum R$100 each and no administration fee. These portfolios are composed of managers such as Verde, Constellation, Bogari, SPX and Absoluto Partners.

Nubank has increased its operations abroad, a strategy already announced by its founder, David Velez, a few months ago. In addition to having launched the credit card in Mexico and Colombia, the bank recently led a round of investments in an Indian fintech called Jupiter, which has been rated at $300 million.

Earlier this month, it also announced the purchase of Juntos Global, an American conversation platform automated. In the first half of the year, the bank received a contribution of US$ 500 million (R$ 2.6 billion) from Berkshire Hathaway, fund of American mega-investor Warren Buffet, and announced the arrival of Anitta in his Board of Directors.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

According to Fernando Miranda, then president of Easynvest and now leader of the investment area at Nubank, the intention of keeping the accounts separate is to be able to serve the different profiles and customer needs on each of the platforms. The acquisition of the brokerage by the digital bank was announced in September last year and concluded just over two months. At the time, the broker had already had its logo changed and was renamed Easyinvest by Nubank.

In a statement, Nubank stated that the name change is another advance of the digital bank in integration with the broker and in its strategy to consolidate in the investment market and expand the offer of solutions.

At the end of April, Nubank had launched its first investment experience in the app digital bank, with three investment funds, which are still in the testing phase. The proposal, according to the bank, it is different from that fair by the brokerage.

“With Nu invest, investors have a platform with more than a thousand product options for profiles of clients seeking greater diversification and autonomy in the composition of the portfolio”, said the bank.

The bank also recently announced the launch of Nu Ultravioleta funds, in the segments of stocks and multimarkets. Funds are available on the broker's application, have investment minimum R$100 each and no administration fee. These portfolios are composed of managers such as Verde, Constellation, Bogari, SPX and Absoluto Partners.

Nubank has increased its operations abroad, a strategy already announced by its founder, David Velez, a few months ago. In addition to having launched the credit card in Mexico and Colombia, the bank recently led a round of investments in an Indian fintech called Jupiter, which has been rated at $300 million.

Earlier this month, it also announced the purchase of Juntos Global, an American conversation platform automated. In the first half of the year, the bank received a contribution of US$ 500 million (R$ 2.6 billion) from Berkshire Hathaway, fund of American mega-investor Warren Buffet, and announced the arrival of Anitta in his Board of Directors.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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