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Next, from Bradesco, buys techfin Bahia's Aarin, focused on financial technology solutions for retail and Open Finance

March 7, 2022
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Next announces the acquisition of startup Aarin, a payment technology company focused on promoting invisible banking experiences
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That is, the inclusion of financial solutions to customers' consumption journeys, without the need to access other applications. Among Aarin's flagships are the technological integration between PIX and retail (e-commerce and physical), and the connection of financial platforms to Open Finance.

With the acquisition, next will become a majority shareholder in Aarin, which will continue to operate independently, serving its own clients as well as next. The immediate benefit of the acquisition will be the use of Aarin's technology infrastructure in nextShop, next's marketplace, which will include PIX among its payment options. Next's customers will have access to a range of other options for completing a purchase. This will enable next to have complete control of payments in the nextShop and to create customized promotions according to the customer engagement profile.

Aarin says it is prepared to integrate its solution with any Open Finance participant, which makes room for multiple partners to connect to next and Aarin. In addition, the acquisition marks next's first step toward serving the universe of MIEs and Legal Entities with PIX-focused payment solutions, further consolidating next's role as a digital platform.

"The biggest beneficiary of this acquisition will be our customers, who will have an even friendlier experience at nextshop with new payment methods, and also with the possibility of earning cashback on other fronts besides e-commerce," says Renato Ejnisman, next's CEO. "Being with Aarin is promoting an even greater proximity of next with disruptive technologies, which aim at the future of the financial dynamics in the country, very connected to the themes of Open Finance and invisible banking," he adds.

Created in 2020 by Ticiana and the current CTO Victor Tavares, together with Venture Studio Cubos Tecnologia, in Salvador, Aarin is considered a techfin - financial solutions technology company. With less than two years of life, it already has a few hundred clients from retail and other sectors.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

That is, the inclusion of financial solutions to customers' consumption journeys, without the need to access other applications. Among Aarin's flagships are the technological integration between PIX and retail (e-commerce and physical), and the connection of financial platforms to Open Finance.

With the acquisition, next will become a majority shareholder in Aarin, which will continue to operate independently, serving its own clients as well as next. The immediate benefit of the acquisition will be the use of Aarin's technology infrastructure in nextShop, next's marketplace, which will include PIX among its payment options. Next's customers will have access to a range of other options for completing a purchase. This will enable next to have complete control of payments in the nextShop and to create customized promotions according to the customer engagement profile.

Aarin says it is prepared to integrate its solution with any Open Finance participant, which makes room for multiple partners to connect to next and Aarin. In addition, the acquisition marks next's first step toward serving the universe of MIEs and Legal Entities with PIX-focused payment solutions, further consolidating next's role as a digital platform.

"The biggest beneficiary of this acquisition will be our customers, who will have an even friendlier experience at nextshop with new payment methods, and also with the possibility of earning cashback on other fronts besides e-commerce," says Renato Ejnisman, next's CEO. "Being with Aarin is promoting an even greater proximity of next with disruptive technologies, which aim at the future of the financial dynamics in the country, very connected to the themes of Open Finance and invisible banking," he adds.

Created in 2020 by Ticiana and the current CTO Victor Tavares, together with Venture Studio Cubos Tecnologia, in Salvador, Aarin is considered a techfin - financial solutions technology company. With less than two years of life, it already has a few hundred clients from retail and other sectors.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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