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C6 Bank launches Rainbow card and reinforces commitment to diversity in Brazil

November 10, 2021
Servicio de publicación de blogs
C6 Bank
Customers will be able to make donations, in cash or using Atoms points, to institutions that support the LGBTQIA+ community
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As part of a series of initiatives to value diversity and promote an inclusive culture, on September 30, C6 Bank launches a card in the colors of the rainbow. The Rainbow card can be requested by any individual customer of the bank, both those with a C6 card, without an annual fee, or those with the C6 Carbon, a premium version of the bank's plastic. From that date onwards, it will also be possible to make donations to institutions that support the LGBTQIA+ community directly through the bank's application.

The first partnership is with Instituto +Diversidade, a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional empowerment of the LGBTQIA+ community, of which C6 Bank is already an institutional sponsor. By accessing the C6 Store, a marketplace located inside the app, customers will be able to donate in cash or using Atomos points, with the certainty that the resources will go to a serious institution, selected by the bank's social impact team. Donors will also be informed about the use of resources.

“Printing the colors of diversity on the card is perhaps the most visible face of a cause that the bank takes very seriously,” says Alexandra Pain, head of marketing and social impact at C6 Bank. “Our effort is to find ways to support the LGBTQIA+ community and value diversity inside and outside the bank.”

C6 Bank was the first bank in Brazil to allow customers to choose the name that will be printed on the card. The initiative is valid for any account holder who wants to personalize the plastic and offers trans people the opportunity to use their social name on the card.

This year, the bank signed the letter of adhesion to the LGBTI+ Business and Rights Forum, which brings together more than one hundred companies and has among its objectives to combat LGBTIphobia and coordinate efforts to positively impact the corporate environment and society.

Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN), C6 Bank is building a corporate policy that values respect for differences. As a starting point, the bank chose four pillars of action: promotion of ethnic-racial diversity, gender equity, inclusion of people with disabilities and LGBTQIA+.

On the ethnic-racial diversity front, in 2020 the bank signed the Yes to Racial Equality seal, granted by the Instituto Identidades do Brasil (ID_BR). As a result, the bank is committed to establishing a medium and long-term action plan so that racial equality becomes a reality in the group of companies of which C6 Bank is a part, in addition to establishing educational activities and indicators that will enable the bank follow its evolution.

On the gender equity front, C6 Bank has established an internal commitment to increase the percentage of women in leadership positions and ensure selection processes for senior management in which the final stage is composed of men and women, in the same proportion, and adhered to the Citizen Company Program, an initiative that extends maternity leave to 180 days and paternity leave to 20 days.

In the pillar of inclusion of people with disabilities, the bank hired specialized consultants on the subject to bring more people with disabilities to work in the group and promoted workshops on inclusive communication and accessibility in digital media and platforms, in addition to conducting an audio description training for employees who work with content and a basic training in pounds so the team that works at the reception of the bank's headquarters in São Paulo can better serve the public.

This year, the bank also signed the UN Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, which operates in the areas of labor, environment, anti-corruption and human rights — in the latter, the bank will focus on gender equality fronts and reducing inequalities.

In recent months, C6 Bank has started to draw up an employee demographic map from the standpoint of diversity and inclusion. The study will allow the identification of employees who belong to minor groups according to color, gender and sexual orientation. With this x-ray in hand, the bank intends to structure initiatives aimed especially at the inclusion of these groups.

C6 Bank already supports channels and content creators that communicate diversity and is one of the sponsors of the Arte na Rua Contest, whose objective is to discover new artistic talents in the LGBTQIA+ community. Winners will be able to graffiti their art throughout the city of São Paulo. Recently, the financial institution also held a financial education workshop for trans women.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

As part of a series of initiatives to value diversity and promote an inclusive culture, on September 30, C6 Bank launches a card in the colors of the rainbow. The Rainbow card can be requested by any individual customer of the bank, both those with a C6 card, without an annual fee, or those with the C6 Carbon, a premium version of the bank's plastic. From that date onwards, it will also be possible to make donations to institutions that support the LGBTQIA+ community directly through the bank's application.

The first partnership is with Instituto +Diversidade, a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional empowerment of the LGBTQIA+ community, of which C6 Bank is already an institutional sponsor. By accessing the C6 Store, a marketplace located inside the app, customers will be able to donate in cash or using Atomos points, with the certainty that the resources will go to a serious institution, selected by the bank's social impact team. Donors will also be informed about the use of resources.

“Printing the colors of diversity on the card is perhaps the most visible face of a cause that the bank takes very seriously,” says Alexandra Pain, head of marketing and social impact at C6 Bank. “Our effort is to find ways to support the LGBTQIA+ community and value diversity inside and outside the bank.”

C6 Bank was the first bank in Brazil to allow customers to choose the name that will be printed on the card. The initiative is valid for any account holder who wants to personalize the plastic and offers trans people the opportunity to use their social name on the card.

This year, the bank signed the letter of adhesion to the LGBTI+ Business and Rights Forum, which brings together more than one hundred companies and has among its objectives to combat LGBTIphobia and coordinate efforts to positively impact the corporate environment and society.

Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN), C6 Bank is building a corporate policy that values respect for differences. As a starting point, the bank chose four pillars of action: promotion of ethnic-racial diversity, gender equity, inclusion of people with disabilities and LGBTQIA+.

On the ethnic-racial diversity front, in 2020 the bank signed the Yes to Racial Equality seal, granted by the Instituto Identidades do Brasil (ID_BR). As a result, the bank is committed to establishing a medium and long-term action plan so that racial equality becomes a reality in the group of companies of which C6 Bank is a part, in addition to establishing educational activities and indicators that will enable the bank follow its evolution.

On the gender equity front, C6 Bank has established an internal commitment to increase the percentage of women in leadership positions and ensure selection processes for senior management in which the final stage is composed of men and women, in the same proportion, and adhered to the Citizen Company Program, an initiative that extends maternity leave to 180 days and paternity leave to 20 days.

In the pillar of inclusion of people with disabilities, the bank hired specialized consultants on the subject to bring more people with disabilities to work in the group and promoted workshops on inclusive communication and accessibility in digital media and platforms, in addition to conducting an audio description training for employees who work with content and a basic training in pounds so the team that works at the reception of the bank's headquarters in São Paulo can better serve the public.

This year, the bank also signed the UN Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, which operates in the areas of labor, environment, anti-corruption and human rights — in the latter, the bank will focus on gender equality fronts and reducing inequalities.

In recent months, C6 Bank has started to draw up an employee demographic map from the standpoint of diversity and inclusion. The study will allow the identification of employees who belong to minor groups according to color, gender and sexual orientation. With this x-ray in hand, the bank intends to structure initiatives aimed especially at the inclusion of these groups.

C6 Bank already supports channels and content creators that communicate diversity and is one of the sponsors of the Arte na Rua Contest, whose objective is to discover new artistic talents in the LGBTQIA+ community. Winners will be able to graffiti their art throughout the city of São Paulo. Recently, the financial institution also held a financial education workshop for trans women.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
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