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Neobank c6 creates a current account for brazilians domiciled abroad

April 24, 2023
Matheus Piovesana
Matheus Piovesana
Repórter da @agenciaestado
Negociação virtual
C6 Bank has launched a current account for Brazilians living in other countries, the so-called Domiciled Abroad Account (CDE).
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The new account is free of charge for the client, and according to C6, allows the client to continue to be an account holder even outside of Brazil.

The CDE allows the use of debit and credit cards, investment in bank certificates of deposit (CDBs), the opening of global accounts in dollars and euros, as well as transactions such as Pix, TED and collection. C6 already has accounts in foreign currency, but they are aimed at clients who have Brazil as their domicile.

"All the investment in security and technology made for C6 Bank's conventional account helped us to create a zero-fee account for foreign residents, without the high opening and transaction fees practiced in the market," says Maxnaun Gutierrez, C6's head of products, in a statement.

The CDE can be opened by account holders who will leave the country permanently, and will have to declare income tax in the country where they will live. The change is not available for customers who only have a payment account.

The request to open the account is made via chat on the C6 application, a channel through which the necessary documentation is sent.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The new account is free of charge for the client, and according to C6, allows the client to continue to be an account holder even outside of Brazil.

The CDE allows the use of debit and credit cards, investment in bank certificates of deposit (CDBs), the opening of global accounts in dollars and euros, as well as transactions such as Pix, TED and collection. C6 already has accounts in foreign currency, but they are aimed at clients who have Brazil as their domicile.

"All the investment in security and technology made for C6 Bank's conventional account helped us to create a zero-fee account for foreign residents, without the high opening and transaction fees practiced in the market," says Maxnaun Gutierrez, C6's head of products, in a statement.

The CDE can be opened by account holders who will leave the country permanently, and will have to declare income tax in the country where they will live. The change is not available for customers who only have a payment account.

The request to open the account is made via chat on the C6 application, a channel through which the necessary documentation is sent.

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