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Fintechs PagBank and Agibank make first transfer through Drex in Brazil

November 15, 2023
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The test consisted of creating the wallet, depositing assets and sending and receiving between entities, and was the first between the PagBank and Agibank wallets.
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About the transfer

PagBank and Agibank carried out the first interbank transfer using Real Digital's Drex platform. The test consisted of creating the wallet, depositing assets and sending and receiving between institutions, and was the first between PagBank and Agibank's wallets. The transaction was conducted in a simulated environment, without involving real customers or real securities, and represented an important step in the evolution of testing with Drex.

"Even in the pilot structure, the transaction met the established parameters, taking milliseconds to complete. We understand that the test has evolved very well and is of utmost importance to validate the technological and security requirements for the effective adoption of Drex," says Cesar Leite, CTO of PagBank.

In addition, he points out that the two financial institutions involved in the project can also leverage the pilot to validate and mature Real Digital-based use cases that effectively generate value for customers and for the business strategies of both companies.  

What's next with this transfer?

The expectation is that Drex will further drive digitalisation, as happened with Pix.

"At Agibank, a relationship bank focused on payroll and INSS benefits, we see an endless scope for the creation of new products, solutions and convenience for our customers with the arrival of Drex. For example, the ability to distribute salaries and benefits in a secure, simplified and cost-effective way, as well as a world to explore in the credit scenario backed by the tokenisation of contracts and guarantees," says Marcelo Oliveira, Chief Technology Officer of the institution.

With the success of the test, says Leite, PagBank maintains its strategy of always being at the forefront of technology for financial services.

"Since the beginning of our operations in 2006, the company has made important launches that have transformed the way Brazilians pay, such as the Minizinhas and Moderninhas machines, and the way they use banking products, such as automatic savings, free accounts and cards where the customer chooses the limit," he says, adding that this positioning has led PagBank to reach the 30 million customer mark, to be voted the best PJ account by the iDinheiro portal and to receive the Folha Top of Mind award in the "Top Payment Machine" category.  

PagBank and Agibank are part of the ABBC consortium (Brazilian Association of Commercial Banks), one of the main consortia in the Drex pilot. The group was one of the 16 initially selected from a total of 36 applications submitted by the market, involving more than 100 institutions, to participate in the pilot.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

About the transfer

PagBank and Agibank carried out the first interbank transfer using Real Digital's Drex platform. The test consisted of creating the wallet, depositing assets and sending and receiving between institutions, and was the first between PagBank and Agibank's wallets. The transaction was conducted in a simulated environment, without involving real customers or real securities, and represented an important step in the evolution of testing with Drex.

"Even in the pilot structure, the transaction met the established parameters, taking milliseconds to complete. We understand that the test has evolved very well and is of utmost importance to validate the technological and security requirements for the effective adoption of Drex," says Cesar Leite, CTO of PagBank.

In addition, he points out that the two financial institutions involved in the project can also leverage the pilot to validate and mature Real Digital-based use cases that effectively generate value for customers and for the business strategies of both companies.  

What's next with this transfer?

The expectation is that Drex will further drive digitalisation, as happened with Pix.

"At Agibank, a relationship bank focused on payroll and INSS benefits, we see an endless scope for the creation of new products, solutions and convenience for our customers with the arrival of Drex. For example, the ability to distribute salaries and benefits in a secure, simplified and cost-effective way, as well as a world to explore in the credit scenario backed by the tokenisation of contracts and guarantees," says Marcelo Oliveira, Chief Technology Officer of the institution.

With the success of the test, says Leite, PagBank maintains its strategy of always being at the forefront of technology for financial services.

"Since the beginning of our operations in 2006, the company has made important launches that have transformed the way Brazilians pay, such as the Minizinhas and Moderninhas machines, and the way they use banking products, such as automatic savings, free accounts and cards where the customer chooses the limit," he says, adding that this positioning has led PagBank to reach the 30 million customer mark, to be voted the best PJ account by the iDinheiro portal and to receive the Folha Top of Mind award in the "Top Payment Machine" category.  

PagBank and Agibank are part of the ABBC consortium (Brazilian Association of Commercial Banks), one of the main consortia in the Drex pilot. The group was one of the 16 initially selected from a total of 36 applications submitted by the market, involving more than 100 institutions, to participate in the pilot.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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