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Nubank acquires American software company that created functional programming language Clojure

July 27, 2020
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Cognitect is a reference in the software engineering market and a partner since the beginning of Nubank in the development of technologies.
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Here at Nubank, they strive every day to eliminate the complexity and bureaucracy of our customers' lives. They offer humane and attentive service and they create products that are easy to use, safe and that can be controlled by an app installed on the phone.  

Technology has always been a fundamental part of our mission to empower people - which is why they are happy to announce the acquisition of a reference company in the sector: the American consultancy Cognitect .  

Hello, Cognitect!

For those working in development, the name Cognitect may not need presentations. The consultancy helped to revolutionize the software engineering market and was responsible for creating two systems widely used in programming: Clojure and Datomic.

In addition, some of the world's greatest experts in functional language work there - a super efficient approach to programming already used by Nubank developers.

Nubank's relationship with Cognitect is not new. In 2014, when they launched their first product, they already had company teams providing consultancy for Nu.

Now, with the acquisition, all employees will become part of the Nubank teams. In this pandemic moment, integration will take place remotely and virtually - and everyone, for the moment, continues to work in the United States.

And what about Clojure and Datomic?

Nubank highly values ​​the Clojure community and, as part of the agreement, starts to promote its development.

Clojure continues as an open-source language and we intend to continue promoting events and forums around the world (in person only when possible, of course).  

Consulting services related to Datomic will also be maintained as normal.

If you want to know more about this part, it's worth reading the post by their co-founder and CTO, Edward Wible , about the arrival of Cognitect on Nubank.

Nubank acquisitions

In January 2020, Nubank made its first acquisition - in fact, a movement known as “acqui-hiring”. At the time, they hired Plataformatec employees - a Brazilian consultancy specialized in agile method and in the development and management of digital products.

Now, in June 2020, they have completed the arrival of the American consultancy Cognitect.

The arrival of all these new professionals is important for them to continue to develop products and services efficiently - after all, talent recruitment continues here. Since last year, their engineering team has doubled in size and today has 575 people.

If you are interested in working at Nubank, their software engineering jobs are still open. They are hiring in Brazil and Mexico, two countries in which they have operations, and also in Berlin and Buenos Aires, cities that house their technology hubs.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Here at Nubank, they strive every day to eliminate the complexity and bureaucracy of our customers' lives. They offer humane and attentive service and they create products that are easy to use, safe and that can be controlled by an app installed on the phone.  

Technology has always been a fundamental part of our mission to empower people - which is why they are happy to announce the acquisition of a reference company in the sector: the American consultancy Cognitect .  

Hello, Cognitect!

For those working in development, the name Cognitect may not need presentations. The consultancy helped to revolutionize the software engineering market and was responsible for creating two systems widely used in programming: Clojure and Datomic.

In addition, some of the world's greatest experts in functional language work there - a super efficient approach to programming already used by Nubank developers.

Nubank's relationship with Cognitect is not new. In 2014, when they launched their first product, they already had company teams providing consultancy for Nu.

Now, with the acquisition, all employees will become part of the Nubank teams. In this pandemic moment, integration will take place remotely and virtually - and everyone, for the moment, continues to work in the United States.

And what about Clojure and Datomic?

Nubank highly values ​​the Clojure community and, as part of the agreement, starts to promote its development.

Clojure continues as an open-source language and we intend to continue promoting events and forums around the world (in person only when possible, of course).  

Consulting services related to Datomic will also be maintained as normal.

If you want to know more about this part, it's worth reading the post by their co-founder and CTO, Edward Wible , about the arrival of Cognitect on Nubank.

Nubank acquisitions

In January 2020, Nubank made its first acquisition - in fact, a movement known as “acqui-hiring”. At the time, they hired Plataformatec employees - a Brazilian consultancy specialized in agile method and in the development and management of digital products.

Now, in June 2020, they have completed the arrival of the American consultancy Cognitect.

The arrival of all these new professionals is important for them to continue to develop products and services efficiently - after all, talent recruitment continues here. Since last year, their engineering team has doubled in size and today has 575 people.

If you are interested in working at Nubank, their software engineering jobs are still open. They are hiring in Brazil and Mexico, two countries in which they have operations, and also in Berlin and Buenos Aires, cities that house their technology hubs.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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