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Neobank C6 releases payment of the card bill with loyalty program points in Brazil

November 8, 2021
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C6 Bank now offers individual and corporate accounts in the same application
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C6 Bank has just launched the Pay with Points functionality, which allows you to use the accumulated balance in the Atoms points program as a cash credit to pay for purchases on the card invoice. This resource is known abroad as PWR, acronym for PayWithRewards, and arrives in Brazil exclusively at C6 Bank in partnership with Mastercard.

“With Pay with Points, C6 Bank customers have one more option to use their accumulated points balance. In addition to cashback with money in the account, the transfer of points to airlines and more than 60,000 products under special conditions at the C6 Store, now the points can be converted into credit on the card's invoice”

Says Maxnaun Gutierrez, hea of products and individuals of C6 Bank.

How to use? You can use Pay with Points immediately after the purchase is approved on your credit card, when the transaction appears on the card's timeline. As with accumulating points, it is not necessary to wait for the invoice to be closed to use the benefit. Just access the cards timeline and exchange points. The amount will be credited on the open invoice or on the next invoice.

Can I pay for any purchase with points? All purchases made in the credit modality that accumulate points are eligible for conversion of credit on the invoice, without distinction of value or type of establishment. Convertible items are identified on the timeline with the letter “A” for Atoms. Amounts related to transactions that do not score, such as fees, interest and withdrawals, are not covered by the resource.

Who can use it? The functionality is available to all customers who have a C6Carbon or C6 Card that operates in the credit mode and who have a balance in the Atoms Points Program. The interaction takes place in the credit card environment.

Check out step-by-step how to use Pay with Points on your invoice:
Step 1: Access the credit card timeline and click “See More”

Step 2:Check which purchases are eligible for Pay with Points; they will be marked with an "A" for Atoms

Step 3: Swipe from right to left to activate the Pay with Points option and simulate the conversion of Atom Points from a purchase to credit the invoice

Step 4: Confirm the information and wait for token validation

Step 5: Ready! The balance of points used will be debited from the Atoms Points Program and the converted amount will be credited to the credit card statement within 7 days

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

C6 Bank has just launched the Pay with Points functionality, which allows you to use the accumulated balance in the Atoms points program as a cash credit to pay for purchases on the card invoice. This resource is known abroad as PWR, acronym for PayWithRewards, and arrives in Brazil exclusively at C6 Bank in partnership with Mastercard.

“With Pay with Points, C6 Bank customers have one more option to use their accumulated points balance. In addition to cashback with money in the account, the transfer of points to airlines and more than 60,000 products under special conditions at the C6 Store, now the points can be converted into credit on the card's invoice”

Says Maxnaun Gutierrez, hea of products and individuals of C6 Bank.

How to use? You can use Pay with Points immediately after the purchase is approved on your credit card, when the transaction appears on the card's timeline. As with accumulating points, it is not necessary to wait for the invoice to be closed to use the benefit. Just access the cards timeline and exchange points. The amount will be credited on the open invoice or on the next invoice.

Can I pay for any purchase with points? All purchases made in the credit modality that accumulate points are eligible for conversion of credit on the invoice, without distinction of value or type of establishment. Convertible items are identified on the timeline with the letter “A” for Atoms. Amounts related to transactions that do not score, such as fees, interest and withdrawals, are not covered by the resource.

Who can use it? The functionality is available to all customers who have a C6Carbon or C6 Card that operates in the credit mode and who have a balance in the Atoms Points Program. The interaction takes place in the credit card environment.

Check out step-by-step how to use Pay with Points on your invoice:
Step 1: Access the credit card timeline and click “See More”

Step 2:Check which purchases are eligible for Pay with Points; they will be marked with an "A" for Atoms

Step 3: Swipe from right to left to activate the Pay with Points option and simulate the conversion of Atom Points from a purchase to credit the invoice

Step 4: Confirm the information and wait for token validation

Step 5: Ready! The balance of points used will be debited from the Atoms Points Program and the converted amount will be credited to the credit card statement within 7 days

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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