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The Argentinean Paytech Geopagos, newcomer in Brazil, prepares applications for PIX and smartphone payments

May 10, 2022
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Newly arrived in Brazil, the Argentinean fintech Geopagos is in negotiations with two major players to start its operations in the local market of means of payment, where it already has a team of 20 professionals.
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The startup's strategy contemplates, in a first phase, the launch of two products: a specific solution for the Pix, which is under development, and Tap to Phone, a technology that allows the transformation of smartphones into POS terminals without the need for any other equipment.

"Tap to Phone will be available in four months and our expectations are that it will gain scale from January 2023. The timeline outlined for the Pix application is similar", says Anderson Vera Fernandes (ex-Phoebus Tecnologia, Linx, Adiq Pagamentos, SafraPay, Cielo etc.), who took over in March as Geopagos country manager in Brazil.

Conceived two years ago in Argentina, Tap to Phone had as its main testing laboratory Peru, where it was successfully launched in 2021 by Niubiz under the name Vendemás. The product is ideal for micro and small entrepreneurs, who do not have to incur additional hardware costs to make sales with debit and credit cards.

Fernandes, however, also intends to see it in action in large commercial establishments.  "It is an antidote against queuing in stores," he points out. "With the app installed on the salespeople's smartphones, no one has to wait their turn at the checkout."

Created in 2013, Geopagos soon crossed the borders of its home rink. The fintech, which has a staff of about 350 people, already operates in the 15 major Spanish-speaking Latin American economies, where it processed $4 billion worth of transactions for more than a million establishments connected to its customers last year.

Brazil was left to the end of the queue due to the language and the greater sophistication of its market, for which Fernandes plans to introduce, in a second stage, other products of the house. Some examples are the mPOS App, a more full-bodied version of Tap to Phone, the e-commerce platform Payment Gateway, and Aggregator Tools, which allows users to form networks of autonomous professionals and small businesses in their spheres of activity.

"We intend to become a reference in Latin America in payment methods to then approach developed markets," says Fernandes. "Brazil will play a crucial role in the execution of this strategy because, as it is the largest economy in the region, it will guarantee scale to the operation."
Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The startup's strategy contemplates, in a first phase, the launch of two products: a specific solution for the Pix, which is under development, and Tap to Phone, a technology that allows the transformation of smartphones into POS terminals without the need for any other equipment.

"Tap to Phone will be available in four months and our expectations are that it will gain scale from January 2023. The timeline outlined for the Pix application is similar", says Anderson Vera Fernandes (ex-Phoebus Tecnologia, Linx, Adiq Pagamentos, SafraPay, Cielo etc.), who took over in March as Geopagos country manager in Brazil.

Conceived two years ago in Argentina, Tap to Phone had as its main testing laboratory Peru, where it was successfully launched in 2021 by Niubiz under the name Vendemás. The product is ideal for micro and small entrepreneurs, who do not have to incur additional hardware costs to make sales with debit and credit cards.

Fernandes, however, also intends to see it in action in large commercial establishments.  "It is an antidote against queuing in stores," he points out. "With the app installed on the salespeople's smartphones, no one has to wait their turn at the checkout."

Created in 2013, Geopagos soon crossed the borders of its home rink. The fintech, which has a staff of about 350 people, already operates in the 15 major Spanish-speaking Latin American economies, where it processed $4 billion worth of transactions for more than a million establishments connected to its customers last year.

Brazil was left to the end of the queue due to the language and the greater sophistication of its market, for which Fernandes plans to introduce, in a second stage, other products of the house. Some examples are the mPOS App, a more full-bodied version of Tap to Phone, the e-commerce platform Payment Gateway, and Aggregator Tools, which allows users to form networks of autonomous professionals and small businesses in their spheres of activity.

"We intend to become a reference in Latin America in payment methods to then approach developed markets," says Fernandes. "Brazil will play a crucial role in the execution of this strategy because, as it is the largest economy in the region, it will guarantee scale to the operation."
Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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