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Fintech Bamboo has obtained its licence to act as an independent coordinator of public offerings in Brazil

November 7, 2023
Repórter e redatora na CNN Brasil
This is the first time that the regulator has allowed a startup to operate in this way.
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What was the approval process like?

Amid the process of credit unbanking that has been gaining momentum in the country, new profiles of corporate debt issuers are emerging. The fintech Bamboo has just obtained its licence to act as an independent coordinator of public offerings, the first startup to obtain authorisation. The authorisation was only possible thanks to CVM resolution 161, which came into force in January this year.

The plan is to serve a part of the market that does not have access to the products of the big banks.

"There is a concentration that harms smaller operations, which are not so interesting for traditional players because of their volume and scale," observes Felipe Moraes, CEO and founder of Bamboo along with American and former CFO of Móvile Arthur O'Keefe. The fintech operates with issuance starting at R$20 million.

In addition, the company wants to bring technology to a market that is still very analogue. In this sense, another CVM resolution, the 160th, contributed to the fintech business. By allowing products targeted at professional investors to be offered through one platform, the resolution made the operation more scalable. Previously, offers could only be presented to a maximum of 75 potential clients.

About Fintech

Since last year, when it was founded, Bamboo has structured R$ 50 million in debt securities. The platform works with all products in the segment, from bonds, CRIs and CRAs to FIDCs and other funds. Fintech's direct investors include assets, family offices and the banks themselves, but the idea is to diversify to reach smaller institutions and outside the Rio-São Paulo axis.

As a securitiser, Bamboo could already make public offerings of products issued by the operation itself, but limited to R$120 million. With the new launch, the fintech plans to make its first offering with no value limit early next year.

After about 10 months of operation, the fintech has already attracted investors. In early 2022, it raised a $4m round with GFC and Atman Capital, as well as 30 illustrious angels, including Cosan's Marcelo Martins and some family offices.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

What was the approval process like?

Amid the process of credit unbanking that has been gaining momentum in the country, new profiles of corporate debt issuers are emerging. The fintech Bamboo has just obtained its licence to act as an independent coordinator of public offerings, the first startup to obtain authorisation. The authorisation was only possible thanks to CVM resolution 161, which came into force in January this year.

The plan is to serve a part of the market that does not have access to the products of the big banks.

"There is a concentration that harms smaller operations, which are not so interesting for traditional players because of their volume and scale," observes Felipe Moraes, CEO and founder of Bamboo along with American and former CFO of Móvile Arthur O'Keefe. The fintech operates with issuance starting at R$20 million.

In addition, the company wants to bring technology to a market that is still very analogue. In this sense, another CVM resolution, the 160th, contributed to the fintech business. By allowing products targeted at professional investors to be offered through one platform, the resolution made the operation more scalable. Previously, offers could only be presented to a maximum of 75 potential clients.

About Fintech

Since last year, when it was founded, Bamboo has structured R$ 50 million in debt securities. The platform works with all products in the segment, from bonds, CRIs and CRAs to FIDCs and other funds. Fintech's direct investors include assets, family offices and the banks themselves, but the idea is to diversify to reach smaller institutions and outside the Rio-São Paulo axis.

As a securitiser, Bamboo could already make public offerings of products issued by the operation itself, but limited to R$120 million. With the new launch, the fintech plans to make its first offering with no value limit early next year.

After about 10 months of operation, the fintech has already attracted investors. In early 2022, it raised a $4m round with GFC and Atman Capital, as well as 30 illustrious angels, including Cosan's Marcelo Martins and some family offices.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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