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Brazilian WealtTech XP has mobilized US$ 7.9B savings collected in the last quarter

July 15, 2022
Notícias sobre empresas brasileiras, mercado financeiro, investimentos em ações, Bolsa de Valores, startups, empreendedorismo e tecnologia.
XP said it raised R$ 43 billion in 'net new money' in the second quarter, a 44% growth compared to the previous quarter and a sign that the brokerage is going through the stock market implosion better than market sectors expected.
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The figures just released exclude the so-called 'concentrated custody', the large balances of a single investor or fund that generate less revenue for the brokerage house.

The result is important because one of the biggest concerns of investors in recent months has been the capacity of XP to continue growing at the same pace amid a scenario of high interest rates, rising inflation and recession in sight.

XP had had net funding of R$ 30 billion in the first quarter, an average of R$ 10 billion per month - the floor of the soft guidance of R$ 10 billion to R$ 15 billion per month that the company passes to the market.

In the second quarter, this monthly average rose to R$ 14.3 billion.

With the new funds, XP reached R$ 846 billion in assets under custody, a rise of only 4% year-on-year. (With the stock market melting down, XP clients suffered a depreciation of R$ 146 billion in the value of assets over the last 12 months).

XP also said it reached 3.6 million active clients - with the addition of about 100,000 new clients in the second quarter.

A relevant part of the inflow of new funds came from existing clients, who sent new money to the brokerage or transferred funds from other banks.

In recent quarters, XP has seen an increase in the share of wallet of its clients, who now leave on average 50% of their total funds with the company. Part of this has to do with the addition of banking products and services, such as cards, digital accounts, insurance, and credit.

In the second quarter, the number of customers with active credit cards rose from 308,000 to 383,000, a still small penetration of 10.6% of the base. The TPV of cards jumped from R$ 4.5 billion in the first quarter to R$ 5.5 billion in the second quarter.

XP also saw a growth of R$ 4 billion in pension AUC, which reached R$ 54 billion.

The total credit portfolio (excluding cards) hit R$ 12.9 billion, a growth of 9% compared to the first quarter, and 90% year on year. As a good part of the credit is collateralized with investments, defaults over 90 days are at zero.

Despite the growth of these new businesses, they still have a low representativeness in XP's revenue - less than 8%.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The figures just released exclude the so-called 'concentrated custody', the large balances of a single investor or fund that generate less revenue for the brokerage house.

The result is important because one of the biggest concerns of investors in recent months has been the capacity of XP to continue growing at the same pace amid a scenario of high interest rates, rising inflation and recession in sight.

XP had had net funding of R$ 30 billion in the first quarter, an average of R$ 10 billion per month - the floor of the soft guidance of R$ 10 billion to R$ 15 billion per month that the company passes to the market.

In the second quarter, this monthly average rose to R$ 14.3 billion.

With the new funds, XP reached R$ 846 billion in assets under custody, a rise of only 4% year-on-year. (With the stock market melting down, XP clients suffered a depreciation of R$ 146 billion in the value of assets over the last 12 months).

XP also said it reached 3.6 million active clients - with the addition of about 100,000 new clients in the second quarter.

A relevant part of the inflow of new funds came from existing clients, who sent new money to the brokerage or transferred funds from other banks.

In recent quarters, XP has seen an increase in the share of wallet of its clients, who now leave on average 50% of their total funds with the company. Part of this has to do with the addition of banking products and services, such as cards, digital accounts, insurance, and credit.

In the second quarter, the number of customers with active credit cards rose from 308,000 to 383,000, a still small penetration of 10.6% of the base. The TPV of cards jumped from R$ 4.5 billion in the first quarter to R$ 5.5 billion in the second quarter.

XP also saw a growth of R$ 4 billion in pension AUC, which reached R$ 54 billion.

The total credit portfolio (excluding cards) hit R$ 12.9 billion, a growth of 9% compared to the first quarter, and 90% year on year. As a good part of the credit is collateralized with investments, defaults over 90 days are at zero.

Despite the growth of these new businesses, they still have a low representativeness in XP's revenue - less than 8%.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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