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Tentoscap announces the new TentosCap Visa card powered by Pomelo for the agricultural sector in Brazil

March 1, 2023
Noticias y comunicados sobre Pomelo
With this new product, farmers get a versatile, comprehensive card tailored to their needs.
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What is the TentosCap powered by Pomelo card

The TentosCap powered by Pomelo card brings some advantages to its users:

  • Local and international use;
  • The user buys now and can pay in terms longer than one month;
  • Zero annuity and differentiated rates;
  • 100% digital credit analysis and registration.
  • This card powered by Pomelo is exclusive to 3tentos' (TTEN3) farmer clients, who can use these special conditions for the most varied purchases.

By taking advantage of the innovative model of this card that allows to extend the invoice, it is possible to plan purchases with more slack time. The producer just has to choose to extend this term and wait for the arrival of resources at the end of the harvest, thus being able to make more purchases and investments before using his resources to pay the invoice.

"The agribusiness market is very large in Brazil, and the product we created with TentosCap, with payment at the end of the harvest, will help a lot in the rural producer's financial life", explains Herculano Pires, a specialist in our Business Development team.

How we made the TentosCap card become a reality
Pomelo took care of the infrastructure of the TentosCap Visa card - from the production, to the emission, distribution and processing of the transactions that are made with the card.

For the project to get off the ground, TentosCap sought to understand the needs of the company's customers, which is the financial arm of 3tentos (which already operates in the input, grain and industry fronts). And, together, we bet on the innovative card model that provides flexible payment terms according to the agribusiness cycles - considering the different times of production, harvest and commercialization.

Our COO and General Manager in Brazil, John Paz, evaluated this partnership that comes to give more strength to rural producers:

🎙️ "We know well, at Pomelo, how crucial the agricultural sector is for Brazil's economy, and so it is an even greater satisfaction to help producers with tailored financial solutions. The model of paying at the end of the harvest is a differential that makes this card be born already as an innovative product in the market. We continue with our commitment to provide the best financial solutions for clients in agribusiness and other sectors, with flexibility and attention to each demand and need."

Let's go with everything, TentosCap!

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

What is the TentosCap powered by Pomelo card

The TentosCap powered by Pomelo card brings some advantages to its users:

  • Local and international use;
  • The user buys now and can pay in terms longer than one month;
  • Zero annuity and differentiated rates;
  • 100% digital credit analysis and registration.
  • This card powered by Pomelo is exclusive to 3tentos' (TTEN3) farmer clients, who can use these special conditions for the most varied purchases.

By taking advantage of the innovative model of this card that allows to extend the invoice, it is possible to plan purchases with more slack time. The producer just has to choose to extend this term and wait for the arrival of resources at the end of the harvest, thus being able to make more purchases and investments before using his resources to pay the invoice.

"The agribusiness market is very large in Brazil, and the product we created with TentosCap, with payment at the end of the harvest, will help a lot in the rural producer's financial life", explains Herculano Pires, a specialist in our Business Development team.

How we made the TentosCap card become a reality
Pomelo took care of the infrastructure of the TentosCap Visa card - from the production, to the emission, distribution and processing of the transactions that are made with the card.

For the project to get off the ground, TentosCap sought to understand the needs of the company's customers, which is the financial arm of 3tentos (which already operates in the input, grain and industry fronts). And, together, we bet on the innovative card model that provides flexible payment terms according to the agribusiness cycles - considering the different times of production, harvest and commercialization.

Our COO and General Manager in Brazil, John Paz, evaluated this partnership that comes to give more strength to rural producers:

🎙️ "We know well, at Pomelo, how crucial the agricultural sector is for Brazil's economy, and so it is an even greater satisfaction to help producers with tailored financial solutions. The model of paying at the end of the harvest is a differential that makes this card be born already as an innovative product in the market. We continue with our commitment to provide the best financial solutions for clients in agribusiness and other sectors, with flexibility and attention to each demand and need."

Let's go with everything, TentosCap!

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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