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Fintech Inklo raises USD$700K in pre-seed round to provide access to health credit

August 17, 2023
exame. Journalism
Inklo partners with clinics and hospitals to offer credit to patients interested in undergoing aesthetic and dental procedures.
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Brazil is on the list of countries with the highest number of aesthetic procedures, whether invasive or not. In the latest survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), it came second only to the United States in the number of non-surgical procedures.

Despite this ranking, access is not yet democratised and there is plenty of room for the market to grow. This was the thesis behind the creation of Inklo, a Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais start-up launched in the middle of last year to facilitate credit for those who want to carry out aesthetic procedures, surgical or not, and are short of cash.

The company completed its pre-seed round in the last few days, with a total of R$3.5 million in its pocket. The funding was split into two stages: in November 2022, Inklo raised R$1.5 million and now a further R$2 million, backed by angel investors. "We opted for angel investments and the smart money premise, with investors contributing whether in technology, finance or health," says Igor D'Azevedo, co-founder and CEO of the operation.

The business was born out of conversations between the executive, who comes from the financial market, and his friend Felipe Christo Santiago, a former project manager at the Dasa network. The two had not yet carried out aesthetic procedures, but saw a business opportunity in the market. Together, they attracted two other friends and partners, Stéfano Assis and Felipe Tayer, also founders of Melhor Câmbio, a referral platform for foreign exchange brokers, and doctor Walter Morandi.

What are the main aesthetic procedures financed by Inklo?

The fintech company entered the market in August 2022 with five partners, as it calls the medical establishments it registers and enables to offer loans. Since then, Inklo has grown to more than 400 clinics, practices and hospitals in 17 states, mainly in Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná.

Along the way, the business turned around and dental practices emerged as the main parties interested in the service, accounting for 60 per cent of signings. The sector has an average ticket of around 3,500 reais and patients close procedures more quickly, driven by orthodontic services and dental implants. "Conversions happen practically the next day," says D'Azevedo.

Some facts and figures about Inklo's business:

  • With higher values, aesthetic procedures account for the remaining 40 per cent.
  • Patients turn to financing mainly to pay for facial harmonisations, Botox applications and, among the situations that require surgery, breast implants.
  • In general, these actions require investments of around 10,000 reais.
  • The operations are paid in 18 instalments on average, and the startup earns on the interest rate applied to each loan, around 3% per month.
  • To finance the loans, Inklo uses a warehouse FIDC (Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios).
  • The model allows various fintechs to store the credit portfolios originated in transactions until they have a large enough volume to create their own FIDC using the credits.

How Inklo intends to expand its business

The startup wants to reach R$4.5 million per month by December this year, which represents a 700% increase compared to the beginning of the year. The amounts raised in the pre-seed round will be used to support this growth, improving the product and credit analysis platform, investments in technology, support for establishments and patients.

To make the estimate a reality, Inklo expects to have 1,500 partners on the platform by the end of the year, with penetration in every state in the country. The account also takes into account ophthalmological clinics, an area the startup has only just entered.

"The model allows for expansion into other areas of health, but for now we intend to stick to these three verticals. There's a lot to grow in them and different personas, such as doctors in small towns and large chains, to whom we can offer the solution," says the executive.
Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Brazil is on the list of countries with the highest number of aesthetic procedures, whether invasive or not. In the latest survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), it came second only to the United States in the number of non-surgical procedures.

Despite this ranking, access is not yet democratised and there is plenty of room for the market to grow. This was the thesis behind the creation of Inklo, a Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais start-up launched in the middle of last year to facilitate credit for those who want to carry out aesthetic procedures, surgical or not, and are short of cash.

The company completed its pre-seed round in the last few days, with a total of R$3.5 million in its pocket. The funding was split into two stages: in November 2022, Inklo raised R$1.5 million and now a further R$2 million, backed by angel investors. "We opted for angel investments and the smart money premise, with investors contributing whether in technology, finance or health," says Igor D'Azevedo, co-founder and CEO of the operation.

The business was born out of conversations between the executive, who comes from the financial market, and his friend Felipe Christo Santiago, a former project manager at the Dasa network. The two had not yet carried out aesthetic procedures, but saw a business opportunity in the market. Together, they attracted two other friends and partners, Stéfano Assis and Felipe Tayer, also founders of Melhor Câmbio, a referral platform for foreign exchange brokers, and doctor Walter Morandi.

What are the main aesthetic procedures financed by Inklo?

The fintech company entered the market in August 2022 with five partners, as it calls the medical establishments it registers and enables to offer loans. Since then, Inklo has grown to more than 400 clinics, practices and hospitals in 17 states, mainly in Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná.

Along the way, the business turned around and dental practices emerged as the main parties interested in the service, accounting for 60 per cent of signings. The sector has an average ticket of around 3,500 reais and patients close procedures more quickly, driven by orthodontic services and dental implants. "Conversions happen practically the next day," says D'Azevedo.

Some facts and figures about Inklo's business:

  • With higher values, aesthetic procedures account for the remaining 40 per cent.
  • Patients turn to financing mainly to pay for facial harmonisations, Botox applications and, among the situations that require surgery, breast implants.
  • In general, these actions require investments of around 10,000 reais.
  • The operations are paid in 18 instalments on average, and the startup earns on the interest rate applied to each loan, around 3% per month.
  • To finance the loans, Inklo uses a warehouse FIDC (Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios).
  • The model allows various fintechs to store the credit portfolios originated in transactions until they have a large enough volume to create their own FIDC using the credits.

How Inklo intends to expand its business

The startup wants to reach R$4.5 million per month by December this year, which represents a 700% increase compared to the beginning of the year. The amounts raised in the pre-seed round will be used to support this growth, improving the product and credit analysis platform, investments in technology, support for establishments and patients.

To make the estimate a reality, Inklo expects to have 1,500 partners on the platform by the end of the year, with penetration in every state in the country. The account also takes into account ophthalmological clinics, an area the startup has only just entered.

"The model allows for expansion into other areas of health, but for now we intend to stick to these three verticals. There's a lot to grow in them and different personas, such as doctors in small towns and large chains, to whom we can offer the solution," says the executive.
Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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Nova Lima, Minas Gerais
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Pre Seed
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