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ContaFuturo launches new product focused on high-cost debt settlement in Brazil

February 27, 2023
News from BH, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the world.
With an innovative proposal focused on the mission of fighting negative money, the fintech ContaFuturo presents one of its first products: Zera Débito.
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The mechanism allows the consumer to settle high-cost debts such as credit card and overdraft debts.

ContaFuturo's platform works in partnership with private enterprise. With this format, the fintech aims to develop products with genuine innovation for a happier financial life by putting the low-income customer at the center of its solutions.

According to a survey by the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), people in debt may have greater difficulty in managing their finances, since anxiety is the symptom that affects six out of ten defaulters (63.5%). In the sequence, the study reports other symptoms related to mental health such as stress and irritation (58.3%), sadness and discouragement (56.2%), anguish (55.3%) and shame (54.2%) - which was more common among women (57.6%) than men (49.4%).

"The low-income public has very different challenges in their financial routine, many times the money doesn't arrive at the end of the month even if they spend only on the necessities and this generates a snowball. We thought about these challenges and designed solutions to alleviate the monthly bills of these people and Zera Débito is an essential product with immediate relief" explains ContaFuturo's CEO, Felipe Gomes.

High-cost debts such as credit card debts are the ones that generate the most negative financial impact. According to the Consumer Indebtedness and Delinquency Survey (PEIC), almost 80% of Brazilian families are in debt, and of this total 85.4% have credit card debt. "High-cost debts are more burdensome to those who can least afford it, and that is where we see the greatest potential impact," explains Conta Futuro's CEO, Felipe Gomes.

"ContaFuturo emerges as a tool for a happier financial life, in a unique way, so that people, who always seek the best solutions, have access to something really disruptive and that will make a huge difference in their financial health," concludes Felipe Gomes.

ContaFuturo, a fintech that offers financial solutions for a happier financial life, has products like "Zera Débito" and "Ponte Salário", which allow you to pay off high-cost loans or have access to up to 40% of the payment in a fast way and without the need to use options like overdraft, with high interest rates. In addition, ContaFuturo also focuses on promoting financial education for people.            

With 20 months of operation, the fintech serves more than 45 partner companies and has settled more than R$10 million in debts for more than 2,500 families. Recently, ContaFuturo raised R$ 20 million with institutional investors, which will be used for the growth of the credit operation.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The mechanism allows the consumer to settle high-cost debts such as credit card and overdraft debts.

ContaFuturo's platform works in partnership with private enterprise. With this format, the fintech aims to develop products with genuine innovation for a happier financial life by putting the low-income customer at the center of its solutions.

According to a survey by the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), people in debt may have greater difficulty in managing their finances, since anxiety is the symptom that affects six out of ten defaulters (63.5%). In the sequence, the study reports other symptoms related to mental health such as stress and irritation (58.3%), sadness and discouragement (56.2%), anguish (55.3%) and shame (54.2%) - which was more common among women (57.6%) than men (49.4%).

"The low-income public has very different challenges in their financial routine, many times the money doesn't arrive at the end of the month even if they spend only on the necessities and this generates a snowball. We thought about these challenges and designed solutions to alleviate the monthly bills of these people and Zera Débito is an essential product with immediate relief" explains ContaFuturo's CEO, Felipe Gomes.

High-cost debts such as credit card debts are the ones that generate the most negative financial impact. According to the Consumer Indebtedness and Delinquency Survey (PEIC), almost 80% of Brazilian families are in debt, and of this total 85.4% have credit card debt. "High-cost debts are more burdensome to those who can least afford it, and that is where we see the greatest potential impact," explains Conta Futuro's CEO, Felipe Gomes.

"ContaFuturo emerges as a tool for a happier financial life, in a unique way, so that people, who always seek the best solutions, have access to something really disruptive and that will make a huge difference in their financial health," concludes Felipe Gomes.

ContaFuturo, a fintech that offers financial solutions for a happier financial life, has products like "Zera Débito" and "Ponte Salário", which allow you to pay off high-cost loans or have access to up to 40% of the payment in a fast way and without the need to use options like overdraft, with high interest rates. In addition, ContaFuturo also focuses on promoting financial education for people.            

With 20 months of operation, the fintech serves more than 45 partner companies and has settled more than R$10 million in debts for more than 2,500 families. Recently, ContaFuturo raised R$ 20 million with institutional investors, which will be used for the growth of the credit operation.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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