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Brazilian Paytech PicPay launched peer-to-peer (P2P lending) for businesses

November 3, 2022
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In other words, the platform will enable users to lend to company directly through the app.
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According to the fintech, the return on investment is up to 20.15% per year, which represents 147% of the CDI.

Initially, users who wish to invest will be able to acquire shares of companies from the J&F Group, PicPay's controller. Among them are Âmbar Energia, Flora Urbanismos, and JBS. Soon, new companies from different sectors are expected to raise funds on the platform.

Since last year, PicPay allows people to invest and borrow on the so-called "loan club," and has noticed a wide interest in the product. According to the company, the investor base is growing about 25% per month and the volume raised is already 10 times higher than in the first months.
Secured loans

Nubank has also expanded its portfolio and has just announced its entry into the secured lending market. The digital bank has launched a credit line having as collateral the investments made by clients in the app's "Planned Redemption" function.

"Our proposal is to give customers another credit option - including in cases of people who have never had access to this type of resource - so they can solve unforeseen problems without having to mobilize their money saved," says Jessica Paul, leader of Nubank's loan area, in a statement.

During the entire term of the loan, which can reach up to 24 months, the funds invested by the client in the "Planned Redemption" function will remain earning the percentage stipulated at the time of investment.

If the person has several Planned Redemptions, he or she will not be able to choose which one to use or how much to deposit as guarantee. The initial rule is automatic: from R$100.00 taken as a loan, the investment with the highest value is selected to be used as collateral, and the amount will be blocked for the duration of the loan.

In case of late payment of the installment, the guarantee will be used to help the client to be on time again. In these cases, it will be triggered to cover as many remaining installments as possible.

According to Nubank, the amounts and interest rates may vary and are defined according to the individual analysis of the profile of each customer eligible for a collateralized loan. This evaluation occurs by different methods, including artificial intelligence models. In a few clicks, it is also possible to anticipate the payment of installments with discounts.

Original Article in Finsiders

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

According to the fintech, the return on investment is up to 20.15% per year, which represents 147% of the CDI.

Initially, users who wish to invest will be able to acquire shares of companies from the J&F Group, PicPay's controller. Among them are Âmbar Energia, Flora Urbanismos, and JBS. Soon, new companies from different sectors are expected to raise funds on the platform.

Since last year, PicPay allows people to invest and borrow on the so-called "loan club," and has noticed a wide interest in the product. According to the company, the investor base is growing about 25% per month and the volume raised is already 10 times higher than in the first months.
Secured loans

Nubank has also expanded its portfolio and has just announced its entry into the secured lending market. The digital bank has launched a credit line having as collateral the investments made by clients in the app's "Planned Redemption" function.

"Our proposal is to give customers another credit option - including in cases of people who have never had access to this type of resource - so they can solve unforeseen problems without having to mobilize their money saved," says Jessica Paul, leader of Nubank's loan area, in a statement.

During the entire term of the loan, which can reach up to 24 months, the funds invested by the client in the "Planned Redemption" function will remain earning the percentage stipulated at the time of investment.

If the person has several Planned Redemptions, he or she will not be able to choose which one to use or how much to deposit as guarantee. The initial rule is automatic: from R$100.00 taken as a loan, the investment with the highest value is selected to be used as collateral, and the amount will be blocked for the duration of the loan.

In case of late payment of the installment, the guarantee will be used to help the client to be on time again. In these cases, it will be triggered to cover as many remaining installments as possible.

According to Nubank, the amounts and interest rates may vary and are defined according to the individual analysis of the profile of each customer eligible for a collateralized loan. This evaluation occurs by different methods, including artificial intelligence models. In a few clicks, it is also possible to anticipate the payment of installments with discounts.

Original Article in Finsiders

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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