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7 years of Nubank: 25 million customers who have saved USD $ 1,5 billion across Latin America

June 4, 2020
Where Latam Fintech makers get connected.
This is another step in their mission to empower more and more people with financial products without bureaucracy and with a humane and efficient service. The 25 million customers of the purple card and its digital account do not pay fees such as annual fees or transfers.
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In one year, the number of new elderly customers grew by 20%.

Nubank is a technology company that offers financial products without bureaucracy, without abusive rates and with incredible service. They were born in 2013, in São Paulo, and today they also have operations in Mexico and technology centers in Germany and Argentina.

In May 2020, Nubank turns seven. They started with a credit card with no annual fees or abusive rates (the purple one), and today, they also offer:

  • Nubank Account: An account with no maintenance fees, with free and unlimited TEDs (Available Electronic Transfers) and higher yield than savings;
  • Nubank Rewards: A benefits program with points that never expire;
  • Nubank loans: A fully digital loan, with fair rates and below the market average;
  • PJ Account. A digital account without bureaucracy that makes life easier for small business owners.

Its app, installed on the cell phone, allows people to track the expenses of the Roxinho, move, save money and make payments to the Nubank account, recharge the cell phone and purchase with the points accumulated in Nubank Rewards.

Nubank was born with the mission of empowering people and giving them back control over their financial lives: they create products that are easy to use, without abusive tariffs or bureaucracies and with  an incredible customer service.

In the last seven years, since Nubank was created, its customers have already saved R $ 8 billion with its roxinho and digital account.

This savings considers the average market cost for annuities, fees for opening an account, maintenance fees and internal or interbank transfers. Both the Roxinho, its credit card, and the Nubank account do not charge any of these fees.

Today, they already have 25 million customers, in all municipalities in Brazil and with different profiles. In the last year, for example, Nubank has registered more and more new users over 60 years of age. In the period of one year (between April 2019 and April 2020), the number of new Nubank customers aged 60 and over grew by 20%. In April 2020 just, 30,000 elderly people became part of the "purple nation". In 2020, during the first quarter, an average of 42,000 new people per day joined Nubank.

The past seven years have been filled with achievements and challenges - and they know that they need to do even more. Here, they continue to work and seek new solutions that allow their customers to have more control over their money - simply and without bureaucracy.

"If there is a legacy that all of us who work at Nubank want to leave behind, it is to reinvent the way in which people use and relate to financial services, in order to give them back control of their money,” said CEO and founder David Vélez, marking the occasion.

By comparison, Monzo’s customer base across the UK and US currently sits at around 4.2m, Revolut’s European customer base sits at around 10m and Germany’s N26 counts around 5m customers.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

In one year, the number of new elderly customers grew by 20%.

Nubank is a technology company that offers financial products without bureaucracy, without abusive rates and with incredible service. They were born in 2013, in São Paulo, and today they also have operations in Mexico and technology centers in Germany and Argentina.

In May 2020, Nubank turns seven. They started with a credit card with no annual fees or abusive rates (the purple one), and today, they also offer:

  • Nubank Account: An account with no maintenance fees, with free and unlimited TEDs (Available Electronic Transfers) and higher yield than savings;
  • Nubank Rewards: A benefits program with points that never expire;
  • Nubank loans: A fully digital loan, with fair rates and below the market average;
  • PJ Account. A digital account without bureaucracy that makes life easier for small business owners.

Its app, installed on the cell phone, allows people to track the expenses of the Roxinho, move, save money and make payments to the Nubank account, recharge the cell phone and purchase with the points accumulated in Nubank Rewards.

Nubank was born with the mission of empowering people and giving them back control over their financial lives: they create products that are easy to use, without abusive tariffs or bureaucracies and with  an incredible customer service.

In the last seven years, since Nubank was created, its customers have already saved R $ 8 billion with its roxinho and digital account.

This savings considers the average market cost for annuities, fees for opening an account, maintenance fees and internal or interbank transfers. Both the Roxinho, its credit card, and the Nubank account do not charge any of these fees.

Today, they already have 25 million customers, in all municipalities in Brazil and with different profiles. In the last year, for example, Nubank has registered more and more new users over 60 years of age. In the period of one year (between April 2019 and April 2020), the number of new Nubank customers aged 60 and over grew by 20%. In April 2020 just, 30,000 elderly people became part of the "purple nation". In 2020, during the first quarter, an average of 42,000 new people per day joined Nubank.

The past seven years have been filled with achievements and challenges - and they know that they need to do even more. Here, they continue to work and seek new solutions that allow their customers to have more control over their money - simply and without bureaucracy.

"If there is a legacy that all of us who work at Nubank want to leave behind, it is to reinvent the way in which people use and relate to financial services, in order to give them back control of their money,” said CEO and founder David Vélez, marking the occasion.

By comparison, Monzo’s customer base across the UK and US currently sits at around 4.2m, Revolut’s European customer base sits at around 10m and Germany’s N26 counts around 5m customers.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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