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Visa is looking for Fintechs to accelerate in Brazil; get details and how to participate

August 24, 2022
La red que trabaja para todos
With applications open until September 23rd, Visa For Startups, supported by The Bakery, will select up to six startups to co-create solutions with Visa, as well as partnerships and investments
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Visa will select up to 6 startups for the Visa For Startups Program, to support the development of POCS (Proof of Concept). They can apply, from August 24 to September 23, startups that already have revenue, customer base and wish to expand want to expand operations.

The program aims to identify innovative and well-structured startups that are proposed for co-creation of new solutions and services in partnership with Visa. The projects should be focused on the areas of: New payment flows, Cryptoactive, Open Finance & Data Solutions, Acquiring and Acceptance, and Business Solutions.

After the registration period on the site, all interested parties are screened. From there then startups will be selected for the presentation phase, in which they will show their ideas to a panel of to a panel from Visa and partners from the ecosystem, which may choose up to six startups to participate participate in the Program.

“As the network of networks, Visa for Startups will co-create new solutions (of) open innovation to explore new possibilities and opportunities not yet addressed by our industry. Program participants will gain support (in project design) and real opportunities to connect with the ecosystem. We know that in this way, there are great
opportunities for partnerships to foster the digital and open economy”, says Cristiane Taneze executive director of innovation at Visa.

The Bakery will be responsible for the program's methodology, testing and searching in its global solutions ecosystem, present in more than 20 countries, technologies and startups pre existing technologies and startups throughout Latin America aligned to the opportunities and areas of interest interest mapped by Visa.

“Large companies have already understood the importance of open innovation to ensure their longevity in the longevity in the market, investing in the search for solutions beyond their internal limits. We help enable and structure a win-win relationship with the startup universe, which is fundamental for this interaction to be successful”, says Felipe Novaes, cofounder and partner at The Bakery.

The announcement of the selected startups will be communicated until October 10th, date in which the chosen will have access to content services, alignment of the partnership model co-creation sessions to define the POCs. The presentation of the projects to Visa and market partners takes place in February 2023. For more information, visit the website.

About Visa For Startups

Aiming to expand its activities with startups and generate even more business for the innovation, payment innovation, payment and commerce ecosystems in the country, Visa has expanded its engagement with start-ups engagement with startups with Visa For Startups. This is an evolution of Visa's Visa's current work to help connect, in a targeted manner, startups with the payment technology industry, seeking to generate business and foster innovation in the payment innovation in the payment market.

I want to register my startup

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Visa will select up to 6 startups for the Visa For Startups Program, to support the development of POCS (Proof of Concept). They can apply, from August 24 to September 23, startups that already have revenue, customer base and wish to expand want to expand operations.

The program aims to identify innovative and well-structured startups that are proposed for co-creation of new solutions and services in partnership with Visa. The projects should be focused on the areas of: New payment flows, Cryptoactive, Open Finance & Data Solutions, Acquiring and Acceptance, and Business Solutions.

After the registration period on the site, all interested parties are screened. From there then startups will be selected for the presentation phase, in which they will show their ideas to a panel of to a panel from Visa and partners from the ecosystem, which may choose up to six startups to participate participate in the Program.

“As the network of networks, Visa for Startups will co-create new solutions (of) open innovation to explore new possibilities and opportunities not yet addressed by our industry. Program participants will gain support (in project design) and real opportunities to connect with the ecosystem. We know that in this way, there are great
opportunities for partnerships to foster the digital and open economy”, says Cristiane Taneze executive director of innovation at Visa.

The Bakery will be responsible for the program's methodology, testing and searching in its global solutions ecosystem, present in more than 20 countries, technologies and startups pre existing technologies and startups throughout Latin America aligned to the opportunities and areas of interest interest mapped by Visa.

“Large companies have already understood the importance of open innovation to ensure their longevity in the longevity in the market, investing in the search for solutions beyond their internal limits. We help enable and structure a win-win relationship with the startup universe, which is fundamental for this interaction to be successful”, says Felipe Novaes, cofounder and partner at The Bakery.

The announcement of the selected startups will be communicated until October 10th, date in which the chosen will have access to content services, alignment of the partnership model co-creation sessions to define the POCs. The presentation of the projects to Visa and market partners takes place in February 2023. For more information, visit the website.

About Visa For Startups

Aiming to expand its activities with startups and generate even more business for the innovation, payment innovation, payment and commerce ecosystems in the country, Visa has expanded its engagement with start-ups engagement with startups with Visa For Startups. This is an evolution of Visa's Visa's current work to help connect, in a targeted manner, startups with the payment technology industry, seeking to generate business and foster innovation in the payment innovation in the payment market.

I want to register my startup

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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