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Paytech Liquido obtains licence to operate as a payment institution in Brazil

November 10, 2023
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This new achievement enables the company to expand the possibilities with its end-to-end payment services, enabling such directions as digital banking support, large-scale e-wallet management, flexible payment infrastructure, automated FX services and more.
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Liquido, the next generation payments company for Latin America, today announced that it has received its payment institution licence from the Central Bank of Brazil, marking an important milestone in its mission to facilitate seamless financial transactions in Latin America's largest economy. This new achievement enables the company to expand the possibilities with its end-to-end payment services, enabling such directions as digital banking support, large-scale e-wallet management, flexible payment infrastructure, automated FX services and more.

What does this licence allow?

Liquido's newly licensed licence allows the company to expand services and offer a variety of payment-related technology solutions to its customers. The company will leverage this opportunity to enhance the financial landscape in Brazil, as well as in other major Latin American countries, by providing a secure, customer-focused platform that caters to the diverse needs of its customers across different verticals.

"This is more than just a regulatory milestone; it is a testament to Liquido's unwavering commitment to innovation, security and customer focus in the payment services sector," said MK Li, co-founder and CEO of Liquido. "We look forward to continuing our innovation and contribution to Latin America's vibrant financial ecosystem and evolving digital payments domain."

Other milestones

Liquido also announced that it has processed more than $1.5 billion to date for its customers and is on track to surpass the $2 billion mark in a few months. The company came out of stealth to launch publicly in May 2023 and has been the only company to offer a "one-click" WhatsApp payment experience in the Latin American market. Liquido has extended this experience to several of its extended payment products and solutions in recent months, e.g. its WhatsApp Mini Store, WhatsApp Payment Recovery, WhatsApp Referral Shopping, etc.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Liquido, the next generation payments company for Latin America, today announced that it has received its payment institution licence from the Central Bank of Brazil, marking an important milestone in its mission to facilitate seamless financial transactions in Latin America's largest economy. This new achievement enables the company to expand the possibilities with its end-to-end payment services, enabling such directions as digital banking support, large-scale e-wallet management, flexible payment infrastructure, automated FX services and more.

What does this licence allow?

Liquido's newly licensed licence allows the company to expand services and offer a variety of payment-related technology solutions to its customers. The company will leverage this opportunity to enhance the financial landscape in Brazil, as well as in other major Latin American countries, by providing a secure, customer-focused platform that caters to the diverse needs of its customers across different verticals.

"This is more than just a regulatory milestone; it is a testament to Liquido's unwavering commitment to innovation, security and customer focus in the payment services sector," said MK Li, co-founder and CEO of Liquido. "We look forward to continuing our innovation and contribution to Latin America's vibrant financial ecosystem and evolving digital payments domain."

Other milestones

Liquido also announced that it has processed more than $1.5 billion to date for its customers and is on track to surpass the $2 billion mark in a few months. The company came out of stealth to launch publicly in May 2023 and has been the only company to offer a "one-click" WhatsApp payment experience in the Latin American market. Liquido has extended this experience to several of its extended payment products and solutions in recent months, e.g. its WhatsApp Mini Store, WhatsApp Payment Recovery, WhatsApp Referral Shopping, etc.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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