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EBANX launches in Brazil a sales platform with feature that helps small firms hit by the crisis

March 30, 2020
LABS is a business news website about Latin America, focused on economics, business, technology and society.
EBANX Beep allows Brazilian businesses and autonomous professionals stay afloat and anticipate revenues by selling vouchers for their products and services.
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mall businesses and autonomous workers of various sectors are being hit hard by the quarantines and other social isolation measures being taken to contain the spread of COVID-19. In this scenario, EBANX is launching in Brazil a platform that offers merchants a source of revenue during the period their operations will be closed or deeply affected by the coronavirus crisis. EBANX Beep  includes a feature that allows the sale of vouchers for products and services. The main goal is to help businesses that have no cash flow during the quarantine season in the country.

SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) and self-employed professionals such as personal trainers, manicurists, cleaning professionals and bakers, among others, will be able to sell vouchers using this new feature, and define how the exchange of these vouchers for products or services will work. The exact dates for exchanging vouchers, for example, will be determined by the sellers themselves.

We developed this feature with the intention of facilitating the sales of small businesses and self-employed professionals in this delicate moment. Hence, we will be able to connect them to the people who can and want to help, says André Boaventura, partner and CMO at EBANX.

Covering costs

Beto Barbeiro, owner of Scarfade Barbershop. Photo: Scarfade.

Beto Barbeiro, owner of Scarfades, a barbershop in the city of Curitiba, says that he was able to sell BRL1,200 ($236) in vouchers over one week operating on the platform. “It’s been extremely useful because the moment is too uncertain”, he notes.

Barbeiro’s shop received an average of 25 clients every day, but now that has gone to zero. EBANX Beep may help him to cover 50% of his employees payroll. “As soon as we reopen, clients who bought the vouchers will be able to retrieve our services”.

Payment processing

In addition to setting up the virtual store, sellers will also be served by EBANX Pay payment processing, automatically made available within the platform. Boleto bancário, a very traditional cash-based payment method in the country, and credit cards of all brands will be accepted, with the possibility of installments, and settlement can be done every two weeks.

Setting up the store on the platform is a simple process, which does not require the skills or the help of a developer. The onboarding is done online and, in a few minutes, it is already possible to start registering the items, whether they are products, services or the vouchers themselves.

This platform is an option for SMBs and self-employed professionals to be in the digital world, giving them more visibility and business opportunities, in addition to promoting the digital inclusion of businesses in general.


“During the quarantine, merchants can count on the support of EBANX to set up their virtual store and even afterwards, when the retailer opens again, they can count on this sales channel and all the support from our team”, adds Boaventura.

Sellers will not be charged to set up and keep the store on the platform. Instead of this, a fee of 4.9% will be applied over each transaction made using EBANX Beep.

Tiele Leffa Boff, owner of Pimentinha Fit, a small firm that delivers healthy packed meals and whose online store is being set up on EBANX Beep. She says that her company used to sell 250 meals per week, but deliveries dropped by half during the last week.

The crisis was a reason to create a store on Beep, but the possibility that EBANX gave me to set up as an autonomous seller, not as a business entity, also motivated me

Pimentinha Fit saw its sales decline 50% last week. Photo: Pimentinha Fit

Easy DIY set-up

Only three steps are required to create a store on EBANX Beep. The seller must access the website www.ebanxbeep.com and complete the initial registration. Then, it is necessary to send information such as RG or CNPJ (similar to the social security number and tax identification for business), proof of address and a bank account number. Sellers may start registering the items they want to sell online – a process that can be completed in a few minutes.

Visa is a partner in the initiative, providing market capillarity, financial education support to sellers and security solutions. “We want to connect EBANX Beep with our Vai de Visa platform, so that end consumers may view businesses that are closer to them through geolocation”, says Fernando Teles, country manager at Visa Brazil.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

mall businesses and autonomous workers of various sectors are being hit hard by the quarantines and other social isolation measures being taken to contain the spread of COVID-19. In this scenario, EBANX is launching in Brazil a platform that offers merchants a source of revenue during the period their operations will be closed or deeply affected by the coronavirus crisis. EBANX Beep  includes a feature that allows the sale of vouchers for products and services. The main goal is to help businesses that have no cash flow during the quarantine season in the country.

SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) and self-employed professionals such as personal trainers, manicurists, cleaning professionals and bakers, among others, will be able to sell vouchers using this new feature, and define how the exchange of these vouchers for products or services will work. The exact dates for exchanging vouchers, for example, will be determined by the sellers themselves.

We developed this feature with the intention of facilitating the sales of small businesses and self-employed professionals in this delicate moment. Hence, we will be able to connect them to the people who can and want to help, says André Boaventura, partner and CMO at EBANX.

Covering costs

Beto Barbeiro, owner of Scarfade Barbershop. Photo: Scarfade.

Beto Barbeiro, owner of Scarfades, a barbershop in the city of Curitiba, says that he was able to sell BRL1,200 ($236) in vouchers over one week operating on the platform. “It’s been extremely useful because the moment is too uncertain”, he notes.

Barbeiro’s shop received an average of 25 clients every day, but now that has gone to zero. EBANX Beep may help him to cover 50% of his employees payroll. “As soon as we reopen, clients who bought the vouchers will be able to retrieve our services”.

Payment processing

In addition to setting up the virtual store, sellers will also be served by EBANX Pay payment processing, automatically made available within the platform. Boleto bancário, a very traditional cash-based payment method in the country, and credit cards of all brands will be accepted, with the possibility of installments, and settlement can be done every two weeks.

Setting up the store on the platform is a simple process, which does not require the skills or the help of a developer. The onboarding is done online and, in a few minutes, it is already possible to start registering the items, whether they are products, services or the vouchers themselves.

This platform is an option for SMBs and self-employed professionals to be in the digital world, giving them more visibility and business opportunities, in addition to promoting the digital inclusion of businesses in general.


“During the quarantine, merchants can count on the support of EBANX to set up their virtual store and even afterwards, when the retailer opens again, they can count on this sales channel and all the support from our team”, adds Boaventura.

Sellers will not be charged to set up and keep the store on the platform. Instead of this, a fee of 4.9% will be applied over each transaction made using EBANX Beep.

Tiele Leffa Boff, owner of Pimentinha Fit, a small firm that delivers healthy packed meals and whose online store is being set up on EBANX Beep. She says that her company used to sell 250 meals per week, but deliveries dropped by half during the last week.

The crisis was a reason to create a store on Beep, but the possibility that EBANX gave me to set up as an autonomous seller, not as a business entity, also motivated me

Pimentinha Fit saw its sales decline 50% last week. Photo: Pimentinha Fit

Easy DIY set-up

Only three steps are required to create a store on EBANX Beep. The seller must access the website www.ebanxbeep.com and complete the initial registration. Then, it is necessary to send information such as RG or CNPJ (similar to the social security number and tax identification for business), proof of address and a bank account number. Sellers may start registering the items they want to sell online – a process that can be completed in a few minutes.

Visa is a partner in the initiative, providing market capillarity, financial education support to sellers and security solutions. “We want to connect EBANX Beep with our Vai de Visa platform, so that end consumers may view businesses that are closer to them through geolocation”, says Fernando Teles, country manager at Visa Brazil.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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