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Mercado Libre buys part of brazilian blockchain Fintech 2TM, the controller of Mercado Bitcoin

January 21, 2022
O portal líder no Brasil na cobertura do mercado de Criptomoedas, Blockchain, Fintech e tudo relacionado a economia digital.
Fintechs Brazil
The company also made a strategic investment in Paxos, which issues a regulated stablecoin.
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Mercado Livre announced this Thursday (20) that it has acquired a stake in 2TM, the parent company of the Mercado Bitcoin brokerage. The value of the investment was not disclosed.

MercadoLibre also made a strategic investment in Paxos, a regulated platform and leading blockchain infrastructure that leverages the Mercado Pago cryptocurrency experience in Brazil.

This is a reinforcement of the Argentine company’s bet on the cryptocurrency market, which announced at the end of last year that it would allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies on its platform in Brazil.

As the company says in the press release, Mercado Livre has closely followed the evolution of digital assets and blockchain technology around the world. These partnerships and investments are just one more example of the various steps taken to integrate into this dynamic ecosystem.

“As a leading technology company, we are actively evaluating the various innovations and opportunities around this market as it evolves, aiming to be a central player in this disruption. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology represent a unique, global and collective phenomenon that breaks down barriers and creates an open and level environment for all consumers to achieve economic empowerment, which is very much in line with our mission as a company.”

André Chaves, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development at Mercado Livre for Latin America.

“We are excited that Mercado Livre joins 2TM and MercadoBitcoin.com.br as a shareholder. As a major player in the Latin American technology and financial services industries, MercadoLibre can have a significant impact on the future development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in the region, and we are excited to explore and work closely with the company to this end in the future. future”, says Daniel Cunha, Executive Vice President of Corporate Development at Grupo 2TM.

Through the Meli Fund, its corporate investment fund, Mercado Livre actively invests in and engages with its portfolio of exceptional and innovative companies, while also unlocking synergies with its wide range of interconnected business units. It is this vision that guarantees its key role within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Latin America, where it directly impacts hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and micro and small companies.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Mercado Livre announced this Thursday (20) that it has acquired a stake in 2TM, the parent company of the Mercado Bitcoin brokerage. The value of the investment was not disclosed.

MercadoLibre also made a strategic investment in Paxos, a regulated platform and leading blockchain infrastructure that leverages the Mercado Pago cryptocurrency experience in Brazil.

This is a reinforcement of the Argentine company’s bet on the cryptocurrency market, which announced at the end of last year that it would allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies on its platform in Brazil.

As the company says in the press release, Mercado Livre has closely followed the evolution of digital assets and blockchain technology around the world. These partnerships and investments are just one more example of the various steps taken to integrate into this dynamic ecosystem.

“As a leading technology company, we are actively evaluating the various innovations and opportunities around this market as it evolves, aiming to be a central player in this disruption. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology represent a unique, global and collective phenomenon that breaks down barriers and creates an open and level environment for all consumers to achieve economic empowerment, which is very much in line with our mission as a company.”

André Chaves, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development at Mercado Livre for Latin America.

“We are excited that Mercado Livre joins 2TM and MercadoBitcoin.com.br as a shareholder. As a major player in the Latin American technology and financial services industries, MercadoLibre can have a significant impact on the future development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in the region, and we are excited to explore and work closely with the company to this end in the future. future”, says Daniel Cunha, Executive Vice President of Corporate Development at Grupo 2TM.

Through the Meli Fund, its corporate investment fund, Mercado Livre actively invests in and engages with its portfolio of exceptional and innovative companies, while also unlocking synergies with its wide range of interconnected business units. It is this vision that guarantees its key role within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Latin America, where it directly impacts hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and micro and small companies.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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