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Stefanini buys 'Fintech As A Service' company LogBank and keeps pace with acquisitions in Brazil

August 25, 2020
Repórter no Valor Econômico
Company should bring other companies to the group this semester, especially in the areas of cybersecurity and finance.
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Even with the ups and downs caused by the pandemic, Stefanini did not reduce the pace of acquisitions. Willing to complement its financial services area, the company closed the purchase of Brazilian LogBank, a supplier of payment solutions - from digital account to card machines - in the personalization model (“white label”) for other brands. The value of the deal has not been revealed.

This is the third acquisition of Stefanini this year, after the purchase of Mozaiko, in February, complementing services for retail, and of Holding Haus, in July, including the advertising agency W3haus, which joins the digital marketing portfolio alongside Gauge, Inspiring and Romanian Infinit.

The company informs that the negotiations do not stop there and that it should bring other companies to the group this semester, especially in the areas of cybersecurity and finance.

LogBank will be part of Orbitall, one of the group's financial services branches with a focus on large companies such as Creditas, Olé Consignado, from Santander, and Stone. As explained by Marco Stefanini, global CEO of the Stefanini Group, in an interview with Valor, LogBank's entry complements the bank as a service offering through the Banking in a Box platform, focusing on small and medium-sized companies.

“The thesis is that Latin America is the best place in the world for digital financial services. If you add Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, we have a population that is largely unbanked and with very high interest rates for individuals. So this part of financial solutions has a market and we have the technology for that ”, evaluates the CEO.

With the acquisition, Stefanini absorbs the 40 LogBank employees and maintains its founding partners, working on a partnership model. Founded in 2017 by three executives from the areas of internet infrastructure, telecommunications and payments, the São Paulo company brings its 40 employees to the group and maintains the executive board, now under Stefanini's management. LogBank initially enters 70 customers of its “fintech as a service” model, making up an initial portfolio of 90 companies with Orbitall. The goal by the end of 2023 is to multiply the volume of customers by one thousand. “The strategy is niche”, says Luiz Gustavo Dutra, the company's CEO, to Valor. "The big goal is to replicate our success stories in sectors such as retail, distribution, industries and even football clubs," says the executive, who saw growth in demand during the pandemic. "The race for digital transformation brought an explosion in sales in April, May and June," he says.

Among the services provided are payments, transfers, pre and post-paid cards, cell phone recharges, insurance contracts, among others, which complement Stefanini's offerings such as the management of financial products in the so-called “core banking”.

The financial services segment, which includes Orbitall, represents 35% of Stefanini's global turnover, which was R $ 3.3 billion in 2019, an increase of 10% over the result of 2018. The group's goal for this year is to surpass last year's performance with a growth between 15% and 20% in sales. “Last year we followed a good pace of management and maturation, so we entered the crisis at a stronger pace”, comments Stefanini. "The first thing you need to protect is your cash and then you have a competitive advantage", he says.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Even with the ups and downs caused by the pandemic, Stefanini did not reduce the pace of acquisitions. Willing to complement its financial services area, the company closed the purchase of Brazilian LogBank, a supplier of payment solutions - from digital account to card machines - in the personalization model (“white label”) for other brands. The value of the deal has not been revealed.

This is the third acquisition of Stefanini this year, after the purchase of Mozaiko, in February, complementing services for retail, and of Holding Haus, in July, including the advertising agency W3haus, which joins the digital marketing portfolio alongside Gauge, Inspiring and Romanian Infinit.

The company informs that the negotiations do not stop there and that it should bring other companies to the group this semester, especially in the areas of cybersecurity and finance.

LogBank will be part of Orbitall, one of the group's financial services branches with a focus on large companies such as Creditas, Olé Consignado, from Santander, and Stone. As explained by Marco Stefanini, global CEO of the Stefanini Group, in an interview with Valor, LogBank's entry complements the bank as a service offering through the Banking in a Box platform, focusing on small and medium-sized companies.

“The thesis is that Latin America is the best place in the world for digital financial services. If you add Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, we have a population that is largely unbanked and with very high interest rates for individuals. So this part of financial solutions has a market and we have the technology for that ”, evaluates the CEO.

With the acquisition, Stefanini absorbs the 40 LogBank employees and maintains its founding partners, working on a partnership model. Founded in 2017 by three executives from the areas of internet infrastructure, telecommunications and payments, the São Paulo company brings its 40 employees to the group and maintains the executive board, now under Stefanini's management. LogBank initially enters 70 customers of its “fintech as a service” model, making up an initial portfolio of 90 companies with Orbitall. The goal by the end of 2023 is to multiply the volume of customers by one thousand. “The strategy is niche”, says Luiz Gustavo Dutra, the company's CEO, to Valor. "The big goal is to replicate our success stories in sectors such as retail, distribution, industries and even football clubs," says the executive, who saw growth in demand during the pandemic. "The race for digital transformation brought an explosion in sales in April, May and June," he says.

Among the services provided are payments, transfers, pre and post-paid cards, cell phone recharges, insurance contracts, among others, which complement Stefanini's offerings such as the management of financial products in the so-called “core banking”.

The financial services segment, which includes Orbitall, represents 35% of Stefanini's global turnover, which was R $ 3.3 billion in 2019, an increase of 10% over the result of 2018. The group's goal for this year is to surpass last year's performance with a growth between 15% and 20% in sales. “Last year we followed a good pace of management and maturation, so we entered the crisis at a stronger pace”, comments Stefanini. "The first thing you need to protect is your cash and then you have a competitive advantage", he says.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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