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Cobre Fácil and Credoro unite with a contribution of US$ 9.1 million from Feba Capital

January 26, 2022
The best source of information about fintechs in Brazil
Result of a two-year “dating”, Credoro, a fintech from Santa Catarina specialized in credit, and São Paulo’s Cobre Fácil, a platform for collection management and financial services, communicate this Wednesday (26) a combination between the businesses.
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The new company was born with a check for BRL 50 million made by the US holding company Feba Capital, which had previously participated in other contributions from both startups and served as a kind of “cupid” in this relationship between the two fintechs. The firm also has startups such as Leoa and oimenu in its portfolio.

The expectation is that the staff with 35 employees will double by the end of this year. And that, together, companies triple their credit operations to R$ 150 million.

The companies are expected to complete the integration in three months, accounting for 50,000 active registered users on the platforms — 30,000 on Credoro and 20,000 on Cobre Fácil. In the meantime, both will continue to operate independently — with the exception of a few fronts, for example, the financial and legal sectors.

The idea is to create a holding company in the future, as Marcos Paulo Tridapalli, CEO of Credoro, and Paulo Henrique, CEO of Cobre Fácil, tell Finsiders in an interview.

For those who don't know, Credoro has been in operation for about two years, after a contribution from Feba, whose value was not disclosed. The company focuses on the distribution of credit infrastructure, that is, a business focused on credit as a service (CaaS) solutions, in addition to a credit engine, with machine learning technology, to automatically and constantly store data about the clients for risk analysis.

Cobre Fácil, in turn, founded in 2016, was already a client of Credoro and the business is focused on the management of receivables. Paulo Henrique says that the company was looking to expand its services to anticipate these receivables. As he does not have this expertise, he turned to Credoro and, after a two-year negotiation, they closed the merger now.

“After, let's say, two years of dating, both are mature enough to take the next step”, says Paulo Henrique, from Cobre Fácil. “We are going to work over the next three months on acculturating the company”, adds Marcos Paulo, from Credoro.

But they do not rule out that, at the same time, more partnerships will be sought in the quest to offer the best credit structure for individuals or companies.

In fact, Credoro recently closed a partnership with the media group VCRP Brasil to launch a solution that aims to finance media projects for startups, VCRP Bank, as shown by Startups.

As well as investments, mergers and acquisitions will be a trend among fintechs this year, even more so in disputed sectors.

The credit market is increasingly competitive. According to data from the Central Bank (BC), Brazil currently has 74 credit fintechs authorized by the regulator. And the agency itself sees – and even encourages – a growing demand. In this scenario, M&As are outlets to survive as well as escalate.

In 2021, fintechs were the most bought startups according to the latest report produced by Sling Hub: 21% (or 55) of tech companies acquired last year were fintechs. This segment also represented 26% (or 37) of buyers, with emphasis on the purchase of Acesso by Méliuz for R$324 million.

This year has already started with M&A transactions. The most recent, for example, was the purchase of Capitalz, a credit fintech specializing in medium-sized companies, by Stark, which positions itself as a digital investment banking (IB) focused on medium-sized companies and startups. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The new company was born with a check for BRL 50 million made by the US holding company Feba Capital, which had previously participated in other contributions from both startups and served as a kind of “cupid” in this relationship between the two fintechs. The firm also has startups such as Leoa and oimenu in its portfolio.

The expectation is that the staff with 35 employees will double by the end of this year. And that, together, companies triple their credit operations to R$ 150 million.

The companies are expected to complete the integration in three months, accounting for 50,000 active registered users on the platforms — 30,000 on Credoro and 20,000 on Cobre Fácil. In the meantime, both will continue to operate independently — with the exception of a few fronts, for example, the financial and legal sectors.

The idea is to create a holding company in the future, as Marcos Paulo Tridapalli, CEO of Credoro, and Paulo Henrique, CEO of Cobre Fácil, tell Finsiders in an interview.

For those who don't know, Credoro has been in operation for about two years, after a contribution from Feba, whose value was not disclosed. The company focuses on the distribution of credit infrastructure, that is, a business focused on credit as a service (CaaS) solutions, in addition to a credit engine, with machine learning technology, to automatically and constantly store data about the clients for risk analysis.

Cobre Fácil, in turn, founded in 2016, was already a client of Credoro and the business is focused on the management of receivables. Paulo Henrique says that the company was looking to expand its services to anticipate these receivables. As he does not have this expertise, he turned to Credoro and, after a two-year negotiation, they closed the merger now.

“After, let's say, two years of dating, both are mature enough to take the next step”, says Paulo Henrique, from Cobre Fácil. “We are going to work over the next three months on acculturating the company”, adds Marcos Paulo, from Credoro.

But they do not rule out that, at the same time, more partnerships will be sought in the quest to offer the best credit structure for individuals or companies.

In fact, Credoro recently closed a partnership with the media group VCRP Brasil to launch a solution that aims to finance media projects for startups, VCRP Bank, as shown by Startups.

As well as investments, mergers and acquisitions will be a trend among fintechs this year, even more so in disputed sectors.

The credit market is increasingly competitive. According to data from the Central Bank (BC), Brazil currently has 74 credit fintechs authorized by the regulator. And the agency itself sees – and even encourages – a growing demand. In this scenario, M&As are outlets to survive as well as escalate.

In 2021, fintechs were the most bought startups according to the latest report produced by Sling Hub: 21% (or 55) of tech companies acquired last year were fintechs. This segment also represented 26% (or 37) of buyers, with emphasis on the purchase of Acesso by Méliuz for R$324 million.

This year has already started with M&A transactions. The most recent, for example, was the purchase of Capitalz, a credit fintech specializing in medium-sized companies, by Stark, which positions itself as a digital investment banking (IB) focused on medium-sized companies and startups. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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